QUBEE Fair Usage Policy for SKY Packages
by Qubee on Saturday, July 30, 2011 at 2:41pm
QUBEE’s Fair Usage Policy (FUP) is designed to safeguard the greater interest of all the QUBEE internet users, thus providing the best possible internet experience for everyone. The Fair Usage Policy is applicable for all SKY package users.
Why Fair Usage Policy?
As in most cases, a small fraction of the total consumers use an excessive amount of the network resources, which results in hampering the experience of others. Our Fair Usage Policy is here to provide the optimal internet experience to all our customers.
QUBEE Fair Usage Policy
Under the QUBEE Fair Usage Policy, we tried to set up a limit for those excessive users, while keeping it very generous so that most of our Sky Monthly Package users will not be affected by this.
Package Usage Level Action Under FUP Length of Action
512 Kbps Sky Usage over 30 GB Speed throttled down to 128 Kbps Till the next billing period
1 Mbps Sky Usage over 35 GB Speed throttled down to 128 Kbps Till the next billing period
2 Mbps Sky Usage over 40 GB Speed throttled down to 128 Kbps Till the next billing period
If the usage limit crosses 30GB (for 512 Sky), 35GB (for 1Mbps Sky) and 40GB (for 2Mbps Sky) at any time of the month, QUBEE may put the user under Fair Usage Policy. This will result in experiencing speed being throttled down to 128 Kbps for the rest of the month.
Note that your speed would be updated to the normal speed at the start of your next billing period if you comply with the above policy.
If a subscriber regularly violates our FUP, QUBEE reserves the right to restrict further, deactivate or even terminate the said connection. Termination will be initiated after notifying the subscriber through due course.
Subscribers are reminded that the download of illegal content which QUBEE discourages, which is an infringement of copyright and/or intellectual property rights and rightful owners of such copyright and/or intellectual property rights may take measures to prosecute. QUBEE reserves the right to inquire/investigate suspected or potential abuse of its Fair Usage Policy. Each individual download can be traced by the subscriber’s IP address back to the subscriber’s account with QUBEE.
This Fair Usage Policy is applicable to all existing and future plans offered by QUBEE unless specifically withdrawn at the discretion of QUBEE. QUBEE reserves the right to change this policy in future at their discretion.
Note that, FUP is not applicable for CAP and Pre Pay packages. For details please call 028959911
Why Fair Usage Policy?
As in most cases, a small fraction of the total consumers use an excessive amount of the network resources, which results in hampering the experience of others. Our Fair Usage Policy is here to provide the optimal internet experience to all our customers.
QUBEE Fair Usage Policy
Under the QUBEE Fair Usage Policy, we tried to set up a limit for those excessive users, while keeping it very generous so that most of our Sky Monthly Package users will not be affected by this.
Package Usage Level Action Under FUP Length of Action
512 Kbps Sky Usage over 30 GB Speed throttled down to 128 Kbps Till the next billing period
1 Mbps Sky Usage over 35 GB Speed throttled down to 128 Kbps Till the next billing period
2 Mbps Sky Usage over 40 GB Speed throttled down to 128 Kbps Till the next billing period
If the usage limit crosses 30GB (for 512 Sky), 35GB (for 1Mbps Sky) and 40GB (for 2Mbps Sky) at any time of the month, QUBEE may put the user under Fair Usage Policy. This will result in experiencing speed being throttled down to 128 Kbps for the rest of the month.
Note that your speed would be updated to the normal speed at the start of your next billing period if you comply with the above policy.
If a subscriber regularly violates our FUP, QUBEE reserves the right to restrict further, deactivate or even terminate the said connection. Termination will be initiated after notifying the subscriber through due course.
Subscribers are reminded that the download of illegal content which QUBEE discourages, which is an infringement of copyright and/or intellectual property rights and rightful owners of such copyright and/or intellectual property rights may take measures to prosecute. QUBEE reserves the right to inquire/investigate suspected or potential abuse of its Fair Usage Policy. Each individual download can be traced by the subscriber’s IP address back to the subscriber’s account with QUBEE.
This Fair Usage Policy is applicable to all existing and future plans offered by QUBEE unless specifically withdrawn at the discretion of QUBEE. QUBEE reserves the right to change this policy in future at their discretion.
Note that, FUP is not applicable for CAP and Pre Pay packages. For details please call 028959911
- 26 people like this.
- Md Mahbubul Alam then why its called SKY?? instead of expending QUBEE's 'Resources', the users are to restricted. funny. and 30GB??? c'mon Qubee, 30GB's nothing...July 30 at 2:47pm · · 27 people
- ДђмєĐ мДђĐí i hv 1mbps connection. so if I play Games over Internet and download movie than i will be under FUP. So why should i use qubee any more?July 30 at 2:48pm · · 20 people
- রিদওয়ানুর রহমান Ayon Amar FUP 28 tarikh e uthe gelo! Aro 3 din to FUP te thakar kotha? den ki billing period 28 theke shuru hoe qubeer?July 30 at 2:53pm · · 8 people
- রিদওয়ানুর রহমান Ayon n 1 more thing ...last month e ami 21 GB namanor por i amake FUP tefalae dilo! y is dat?July 30 at 2:53pm · · 11 people
- রিদওয়ানুর রহমান Ayon Qubee then age kon basis e FUP te falano hoito? :sJuly 30 at 2:55pm · · 9 people
- রিদওয়ানুর রহমান Ayon Qubee itz ridiculous ..ami 21 GB use korar por ami jokhon FUPte porlam...amar friend tokhon 56 GB download korar por o 60 kbps pacche!!July 30 at 2:58pm · · 4 people
- Md Mahbubul Alam so, this is it. this is the reply Qubee has decided to force to all its users who chose Qubee over broadband and bangalion. 30-40GB limit and specified contents, which means, "DON'T YOU DARE DOWNLOADING". yes, we, the users, are pleased...July 30 at 3:05pm · · 20 people
- রিদওয়ানুর রহমান Ayon Qubee last bt not da least! choto mukhe akta boro kotha boli...sorry to say dat qubee should ve some manner...akta chintaikarir o ei manner ta ase j se jokhon karo kach theke kisu kere nite chae tokhon se seta tar kase ask kore tarpor chinae nae....jekhane ami mnth e 1450 tk diye apnader sheba (!) grohon krtesi sekhane apnadero akta daitto ase j amar speed half kore deoar age amk akta alert or notification deoa!!! world er r kothao apnader moto ei kaj kore kina amar jana nai...may allah bless wid dis quality..amenJuly 30 at 3:07pm · · 20 people
- Md Mehedi Karim Sami Now qubee is deleting comments with absolute logic which they can't defend. I have seen four comments and after one minute they are gone.July 30 at 3:10pm · · 28 people
- Md Mehedi Karim Sami Now they are creating fake account to support them. How lame :-PJuly 30 at 3:15pm · · 27 people
- Maruf Ahmed vaiera Qubee ekhon form e ase to tai barabari kortase. Eta bangladesher business er shovab. ki r korar korte den, amra to ekhon jimmi, kisui korar nai loss deya chara.July 30 at 3:20pm · · 6 people
- Walid Mirza "If a subscriber regularly violates our FUP, QUBEE reserves the right to restrict further, deactivate or even terminate the said connection. Termination will be initiated after notifying the subscriber through due course. "
Is this how you freakin address your customers??
I am perhaps one of the rare ones here who are actually very content with my connection and have no complaints what so ever.....
But your language , by absolutely NO WAY..is acceptable !!!
Cuz every one of the users PAY for the services..You are doing NO charity work!!July 30 at 3:30pm · · 41 people - Mashiur Rahman Dear Qubee,
I just moved from Banglalion few months ago for this FUP , I was satisfied with your 1mbps package, But today you just announced an ridiculous , unprofessional and beyond acceptable terms.
Simple question : Why we will pay you 2250 TK for 35 GB , when we can get 30GB for 1250 TK.
I am also thinking the same as like all other users. Its time to say good bye Qubee. Good Luck with your "FU*P"July 30 at 3:46pm · · 22 people - Saroj Mistry sotto akta hisab dai........
60 sec = 1 min
60 min = 1 hour
24 hour = 1 day
30 days = 1 month
so 1 month = 60*60*24*30 sec = 2, 592, 000 sec
512 kbps a use kora jay (2592000*64) or 165.888GB
1 mbps a use sey total (2592000*128) or 331.776GB
2 mbps a use sey total (2592000*256) or 663.552GB
r amader qubee er sky er limit gula koto???
30GB, 35GB, 40GB
amar kisu bolar nai....
amader moto 1000 user qubee leave korleo somossa nai
because qubee er corporate user onek asey.....
but tarpor o ami and amar moto 1000 user qubee leave korbo.......
1437.5 tk othoba 2587.5 tk othoba 6037.5 tk dea amra apnader thekey onek valo and dedicated service pabo asa koriJuly 30 at 3:48pm · · 51 people - Habib Ullah Bahar Hmm, Qubee sent an SMS about the FUP. But I think, the FUP Limit is little bit low. In the SKY 1 Mbps package, I am basically getting little over 1 GB per day.
I think 40/50/60 GB limit would have better. Also the speed throttling is too harsh! it should have been dependent on ones package. 50 or 60% of one's package.
But Thanks to Qubee, at least they have published a clear FUP.July 30 at 3:51pm · · 10 people - Reshmi Akhter Qubee apnader mail dekhe mone hosse apnader din shes.... Ami 512 kbps use kori... Apnara jodi at-least 40gb limit diten taholeo boltam jai disen tai luv apnader nai to r ki krben... Ekhon to dekhtesi apnara kharap er cheo kharap... Amader kothar kono dam 'e nai apnader kase... Ashole dosh apnader na amader desher sorkarer, Noile apnader moto customer thokano company amader deshe thakar kotha na... Age Qubee re vhalo bltam, ekhon ami'e abar blte baddo hobo Qubee is best lok tokhano company in Bangladesh..... R ekta kotha comment delete kore luv nai, amaderk to r chup korai rakhte parben na... Ekhon buzben na pore buzben 'Fup' diye asole koto 'Pup' krsen... Next month'e bill dite jabo na apnader modem ta free apnader'k dan kore ashbo....July 30 at 3:55pm · · 23 people
- Naznin Nisha 30 GB for 1250 BDT and 35 GB for 2250 BDT ,
That means
30 GB for 1250 BDT and 5 GB for 1000 BDT.
Congratulation 1 mbps and 2 mbps users.July 30 at 4:11pm · · 31 people - Ashfaq H Kazi btw,
Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey-ey, goodbye ♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫July 30 at 4:11pm · · 8 people - Md. Shamsul Kaonain What a smack in the face the reply from @Qubee is ... this is indeed sad. 35GB limit when I pay you 2250 per month ... lol ... well we have all been demanding for a long time that the FUP be made public, but never in my wildest dreams did I think we would get such a response. It is indeed time to switch Qubee ... I haven't made use of my modem long enough ... but I guess even donating it to someone would be worth it ... cause it wouldn't be possible to continue using it under the current conditions .. Bangladesh is a country where no consumer rights exist ... that is why companies like Qubee can get away with anything .. first you apply a ghostly so called "automatic" FUP which is not specified anywhere, in spite of the fact that the customers have full right to know what conditions you would use to restrict the service they are paying you for .. and when customers demands you make the policy public, you announce a policy, which, if stated beforehand, would have discouraged a lot of the SKY users from purchasing your connection in the first place. I really wish facebook had dislike buttons :@:@July 30 at 4:18pm · · 21 people
- Md Mahbubul Alam absolutely agreed with WALID MIRZA. how could they use such language...???? and 30-40GB limits??? why would 1/2mbps users continue their packages..????????????????
?????????????????????????? ??????????????????????? July 30 at 4:21pm · · 13 people - Asifur Rahim Dear Qubee:
Firstly, since you have changed the package limits - you should no longer call it sky... since the sky has no limits... :)
Secondly, since you have set a cap for the so called "Sky" packages... there should've been an option for subscribers to pay-as-you-go after the limit is reached - like any other cap packages that you have...
Thirdly, on the throttling... why would you want to throttle down all sky packages to the same speed limit since the charges vary so much between 512kbps/1mbps/2mbps packages... ?!!!
Finally, as a summary... what you guys have done is nothing short of shoving up your own... and I would congratulate you on reaching THAT level... !!!!July 30 at 4:23pm · · 20 people - Suborna Jahan Going to write on some Daily Newspaper. More people should know this..July 30 at 4:34pm · · 23 people
- চলে যায় বসন্তের দিন I want people to understand that, setting up a monthly limit has nothing to do with Fair Usage, in proper a ISP they set limit on usage based on peak hours. for example: http://shop.virginmedia.co
m/help/traffic-management/ . but from an incompetent company such as Qubee botched up FUP policy should be expected. Stupidity of Qubee knows no bound. :)traffic-management-policy. html July 30 at 4:50pm · · 16 people - Mashiur Rahman এইমাত্র প্রথম আলো সহ দেশের আরও ৪ টা পত্রিকায় ইমেইল করছি । সবাই জানুক কিউবি কি পরিমান মিথ্যাচার দিয়ে ব্যবসা করছে।July 30 at 4:52pm · · 26 people
- Sharfuddin Ahmed Aare fup te half korte pare 128 to dele kemne hoi..........July 30 at 4:55pm · · 3 people
- Suborna Jahan I will just throw my modem away if they cut my speed from 1mbps to 128kbps any day..July 30 at 4:58pm · · 18 people
- Sharfuddin Ahmed We all should through away our modem to dustbin........July 30 at 5:00pm · · 11 people
- Mashiur Rahman The CEO of Qubee should know that , 35 GB limit for a 1mpbs connection user is not acceptable.. Few days ago Qubee support at Gulshan branch said that the limit is arround 60 GB.. and now it downgraded to 35GB.. This is not acceptable..July 30 at 5:03pm · · 10 people
- Mashiur Rahman I will burn the modem and will share the video on facebook... Nice idea..July 30 at 5:03pm · · 16 people
- Shibli Sadiq I don't think the new FUP limit is fair at all! qubee customers who preferred to use sky packages normally download a lot, play games on internet and do other online activities regularly, which requires high bandwidth usage that's why they r using sky packages and if the FUP limit is just only 30/35/40gb then then why they will continue any more? i expected it would be at-least 40/50/60gb.
and the other ridiculous fact is the ratio of FUP limit qubee fixed...the fup limit ratio is around 1:1.2:1.3 where the ratio of responding packages' speed is 1:2:3 !! is this justice?
another vital fact is throttling down to 128 kbps in action under FUP. what would a sky user do with such a low bandwidth? its not even enough for voice chatting! is this a joke?
Qubee customers just expect a fair policy which is really fair , I hope qubee will review its FUP again before its too lateJuly 30 at 5:03pm · · 10 people - Tanvir Rahman Anik Qubee - A piece of advice - Apart from declaring this F'd up FUP, you guys should rename your SO CALLED UNLIMITED (!) SKY PACKAGE to "UP TO 30/35/40 GB" so that people wont get deceived! & if deceiving people is what you call "BUSINESS", then you are too close to get ruined! Peace!July 30 at 5:08pm · · 8 people
- Mashiur Rahman 512 kbps = 30 GB = 128 kbps = 1250 BDT
1 mbps = 35 GB = 128 kbps = 2250 BDT
2mbps = 40 GB = 128 kbps = 5,250 BDT
what a calculation by qubee CEO ... I think he got 33 on math exams...July 30 at 5:09pm · · 28 people - Suborna Jahan আমারও তাই ধারনা । আফ্রিনা মোহাম্মাদ এর আইডি টা ভুয়া, কিউবির বানানোJuly 30 at 5:13pm · · 6 people
- Mashiur Rahman Afrina Mohammad Shared no information with facebook.. What a id ? Visit his / her profile ,, you will understand why i said that his id is fakeJuly 30 at 5:14pm · · 5 people
- Shaiq Prince Ullah its been going on from few days and when they saw everyone knows about it and facing the problem of crossing 30gb , qubee decided to save themselves they will make this plan...this is all to make more money making us fool....July 30 at 5:24pm · · 2 people
- Mashiur Rahman if you need less than 15 GB ,, Buy 12 GB package from qubee.. why you are using sky package.. and also you are seeing that a lot of users are depressed with the announcement , why you are commenting for them.. So you are a fake account created by qubee webmasterJuly 30 at 5:25pm · · 4 people
- Shaiq Prince Ullah banglalink more then 100 gb cross korlew probs hoy na and qubee bole onno ra speed pay tai ai plan..bhuaa...July 30 at 5:26pm · · 3 people
- Shaiq Prince Ullah not just Qubee but all connection in Bangladesh suckz...shob taka khawar businessJuly 30 at 5:28pm · · 4 people
- Aysha Akter Pushpo first ensure 512 kbps ,than talk about fair policy..!!!July 30 at 5:31pm · · 11 people
- LoveProfit DseGroup qubee, qubee fan page open kore bose take all time, they check this page every seconds. neg comments aslei sathe sathe delete kore dei.July 30 at 5:36pm · · 3 people
- Shaiq Prince Ullah @ afrina... if u dnt even cross 15 GB and dont have any problem with 30gb limit then u shud have used the 256 connection internet...i dont download much but in a month i guess more then 60% people download sth near 30Gb... y do u use 512 thenJuly 30 at 5:36pm · · 1 person
- Shaiq Prince Ullah either people will leave Qubee and make it down or qubee with remove this plan...and probably they will be making another plan to show us that we are facing problem due to other usage so this plan is necessary..they can do anything ..July 30 at 5:40pm · · 3 people
- Yousuf Sharif Riyadh sobai kindly apnader fb acc e status den ei nia, blog e ektu lekhalekhi koren, what they are offering to their users is just simply a crimeJuly 30 at 5:40pm · · 3 people
- Tarin Mahmood I was a 1MB sky user, I will see if you come to your senses and revise your FUP. If its not changed. I'll cancel my connection right that month and get upgrade my BL connection to 2MB, I wasJuly 30 at 5:41pm · · 7 people
- Shaiq Prince Ullah @tarim--thats good...ami to emon ta nisi...jeita off korlew ato dam diye kina modem ghore boshe thakbe... i may not cross 30 Gb but im know internet providers surely will do sth to make u cross or go near...July 30 at 5:44pm · · 1 person
- Tarin Mahmood (cont.) I was actually hoping Qubee would be smarter. So many things you were doing better. But this was a real blow! Are you people out of your mind?! What are you thinking?!July 30 at 5:45pm · · 6 people
- Shaiq Prince Ullah they say that it wont affect browsing..how?? high speed net takes a blink of eye speed tp load a page and normal ones takes few seconds to more then few...July 30 at 5:47pm · · 4 people
- Jawad Mahmud okay so in case of 512 sky, when will you reduce the speed to 256 KBps? or will you not? 'cos I can live with that.July 30 at 6:00pm · · 1 person
- Shaiq Prince Ullah Qubee if we want to close the connection..modem ta ki apnara ferot niben na?? jara qubee tower use kore..oder to dui dik thekei mair...and 30gb limit..ata to qubee start korar shomoy thaka uchit cilo taile aar buy kortam na...but ta keno kora hobe...korle to ar business hoto na right....and customer loss poruk ba na poruk..ki asha jay..July 30 at 6:01pm · · 9 people
- Amir Hasan eta kono kotha hote pare na ....je 1 mbps e 35 gb...are eta to 30 din billing period na ...use korle 3 din e shes hoie jabe......July 30 at 6:02pm · · 2 people
- Jawad Mahmud and Qubee: I can downgrade to 1mbps 10 gb package right? or Aare you gonna reduce the speed there?July 30 at 6:03pm · · 1 person
- Qubee @ Murad: Yes, 12 GB package e downgrade korle full speed paben. Masher jei koidin 12 GB package e thakbne, proportionately cap er onghso bebohar korte parben.July 30 at 6:07pm ·
- Shaiq Prince Ullah limit cross korle half kore dibe just for the month... 512kbps -30gb, Mbps ---35...5 more then 512...koto faltu...July 30 at 6:07pm · · 2 people
- Shaiq Prince Ullah well taka ta half nitee bolle to mone hoy heart fail korbe...July 30 at 6:08pm · · 4 people
- Manzurul Haque sobay qubee use kora bad den, taile dekben thik hoya gese.July 30 at 6:11pm · · 3 people
- Amir Hasan Qubee ...apnara ektu 60gb debar chesta koren...512kbps package e... nahole amar moto onek e chole jabe....ar ekan e jara comment kortese tara kintu...original sky user including me...so plz take every comment seriously...July 30 at 6:11pm · · 2 people
- Mashiur Rahman Dear Qubee, When you double the speed, we all thanked you and recommended other.. But now you took a wrong decision. I am a freelancer web developer and i dont download movies or games. But i have to browse a lot and almost all the day.. Today i just checked my bandwidth meter and found that i uses almost 1.5 gb everyday.. So surely your package wont fit me.. and as i am a freelancer, internet connection is very important me. If you downgrade my speed, i wont be able to use it. So your package is forcing me to leave Qubee services. I cant get refund for my modem , So its better i burn that out ,, what you think ?July 30 at 6:15pm · · 14 people
- Sayik Bin Alam atlwast 40 gb 512 kbps e holei amar cholto..30 gb ta beshi limited hoye jay.ami 1 mbps korte chaisilam.1 bar request o korsilam last week e.next month e korte bolsilo tokhon.jak, valoi, 512 tei thakbo.5 gb er jonno 1K khoroch korar dorkar naiJuly 30 at 6:15pm · · 2 people
- Azizul Hakim Bappa tahole r sky kothatar mane ki.......sky package mane unlimited.....eta ki notun dhandhabai shuru korlo qubee.....??July 30 at 6:17pm · · 3 people
- Picaso Kaderi speed half korleo kotha chilo.128 kbps jeita tara offer i kore na tate namai dibe.eitar kono mane ase.1 mb er line nisi to download korar janno.July 30 at 6:21pm · · 2 people
- Sharifur Rahman Shourav dear qubee,i got connected 21st july....so what will be the fair usage policy for me...??? is that start from 1st august or it'll count the usages of 21st-31st july also...??? please clear it..July 30 at 6:25pm · · 1 person
- Azizul Hakim Bappa @Qubee.....apnader policy ki....50000 userke prothome unlimited usage dekhaia connection sell kore ekhon ekhon taderke apnader ei limited package use korte baddho korben....naki...???July 30 at 6:25pm · · 6 people
- Azizul Hakim Bappa Qubee.....why do u not answering my question...???July 30 at 6:28pm · · 2 people
- Jawad Mahmud Qubee: i meant, ekhon to amar speed half kore dea hoise. customer care er ekjoner sathe kotha bolsisla, uni bolsen jodi tana tin din ek e ratio te download kori taile naki 512 sky er speed 256 kora hoy. amar prosno hoilo, ei FUP teo ki tana tin din dine download korle speed half kora hobe kina. naki sara mash a 30 gb er upor gele tokhon e kebol speed komano hobe.July 30 at 6:29pm · · 2 people
- Iftekhar Azam there is no point of getting a 1MBPS connection anymore with a 35GB limit! you guys should seriously reconsider thisJuly 30 at 6:39pm · · 2 people
- Ahmed Kazi Ferdous Rashedi Sky is supposed to be the limit! Thus the name 'SKY Packages'. Why should I be be worried how much i use. This is totally ridiculous!
"We expect the revised FUP policy will help rid yourself of any worries about how much you can use in your Sky package in a month."
It is supposed to be unlimited keeping in mind of the 'Fair Usage Policy'. But literally putting a CAP on the amount downloaded is just NOT FAIR!
Please change the name 'SKY Packages' or remove the CAP!!July 30 at 6:40pm · · 5 people - Md Mahbubul Alam DEAR 2mpbs USERS, 1mbps speed is not that bad. so downgrade to 1mpbs and buy ANOTHER 1mpbs connection!!! with this little extra investment, YOU CAN DOWNLOAD 70GB per month and that will also SAVE you 5250- (2250+2250)= 750taka!!!!! (i think my calculation is correct).July 30 at 6:53pm · · 4 people
- Faisal Asif Rahman Well done for coming up with an even lousier policy. I own a Boxee. I 'stream' movies/videos. Looks like 512k package has price-data advantage over my 1M package and even more over 2M package. Keep it up.July 30 at 7:11pm · · 1 person
- Shamoun Sharoup শুধু নামে স্পীড দিগুণ করলেও কামে যে আগের স্পীড এ রাখছে তা এই new Fair Usage Policy থেকেই বোঝা যায়। By the way plz remove or change this new policy, otherwise its lost a lot of user. I dont want to leave from QUBEE. The old policy isn't bad for Sky user.July 30 at 7:11pm ·
- Mohammad Faozul Azim Rafi কিউবি এর বহুত লাথি, গুতা, অপমান সহ্য করছি। আর না।July 30 at 7:14pm · · 3 people
- Shamoun Sharoup Qubee যদি new policy টা বজাই রাখে তাহলে SKY PACKAGE এর value কোথায়?????????????????????
????? so change it plzz July 30 at 7:14pm · · 5 people - Zubair Rahman Qubee...."UNLIMITED" word er mane janen? na janle ashen haat e dhore shikhai dei......July 30 at 7:19pm · · 6 people
- Tanveer Tushar Quoting QB – “a small fraction of the total consumers use an excessive amount of the network resources, which results in hampering the experience of others.”, explaining why FUP should be applicable.
My 1st point: is it illegal or in any way unfair to maximize one’s usage after paying such generously for his/her package? It is not intention of a user to hamper another user’s internet experience, rather, I honestly think, is a failure of Qubee not being able to smartly manage traffic.
My 2nd point: what Qubee fails to realize is that this small fraction of the consumers are the influence group of the whole category. Their words of mouth are the decisive factor for most other potential consumers. If Qubee thinks it can get along well hurting its influence group then all I can say is best of luck.July 30 at 7:30pm · · 15 people - Rafsan Reza 512 kbps-30 Gb allocation was ok enough,bt the speed could've been reduced to half,rather being reduced to 1/4th.Also volume allocation for 1mbps and 2mbps packages are really unfair...it should be revised again as otherwise QUBEE is gonna loss a great number of customers... :SJuly 30 at 7:40pm · · 6 people
- Abu Saleh Abdullah Al-mamun Dear Qubee, What's the definition of UNLIMITED in your dictionary? FUP My foot ...leaving QubeeJuly 30 at 7:43pm · · 5 people
- Rashid Alam 30 gb download cap? ARE YOU KIDDING? did you perform any kind of market research? DID YOU? faijlamir matra thaka dorkar. daily 2gb to emnitei use hoe. daily 1gb cap is THE WORST IDEA EVER! i dunno what you guys have in place of... you know... BRAINS? btcl looking really promising now.July 30 at 8:02pm · · 5 people
- Mohammad Kashif Choudhury I use qubee prepaid and cable internet. I was seriously thinking of calling qubee for a new postpaid connection next month. But 512 kbps with a 30 GB limit( 128 kbps doesn't count. Don't kid yourselves). I can assure you, that plan has been thrown out the window. I thought qubee would herald the age of fast internet in BD. I guess I was stupid for being optimistic.. Keep it up Qubee; way to keep your customers happy..July 30 at 8:08pm · · 2 people
- Masudur Rahman I think ur fair usage policy is nt fair at all....it's a cheating with clients. U can reduce our b/w to 1/2 of our packege b/w bt nt 128 kbps for all packeges...I think none of ur clients will like ur FUP....U should think abt it if u value ur clients... THINK ABOUT IT IMMEDIATELY OTHERWISE QUBEE REDUCED IT'S CLIENTS LIKE QB FROM QUBEE...July 30 at 8:09pm · · 3 people
- Rashid Alam I FORSEE A MASS EXODUS OF SKY PACKAGE USER TO bl,btcl,bdcom etc.etc.etc. !!!July 30 at 8:11pm · · 4 people
- Shihab Mahmud Anik Qubee in 512sky package if i exceed 30gb usage,my acc will b affected by fup,r8?? f9,,thn wht wil b ma actual speed ??512 kbps?? i dnt think so...pls give me d crct ans...July 30 at 8:13pm ·
- Shihab Mahmud Anik there iz no logic 2 make d speed 1 4th..thts nt fair........leaving qubee within a short tym...July 30 at 8:19pm · · 2 people
- Shaiq Prince Ullah monthly bill for 512 and tar upore abar limit in sky package..whch crosses so speed decreased...kon dik dye fair lage....worst calculation ever...July 30 at 8:27pm · · 2 people
- Ishtiaque Khan Qubee is showing all signs of a decaying and declining organization...they are crippled by the same old deceiving tactics deployed by some other service providers. However, you should know that broadband internet users are more educated and they are better suited to make informed decisions about their internet consumption. I was really happy when Qubee installed a tower near to my home, but it seems the happiness is short lived.July 30 at 8:36pm · · 14 people
- Tarin Mahmood Hello Qubee! Here is a link for you ... please Educate yourself and your policy makers
here's a suggestion to all of us affected, those of us who dump Qubee connection, will post a message here. Just to let these people know we are not up for their F*UP shits.
I know many of us feel the same as me. So lets do this. If we don't these people will always rip us offJuly 30 at 8:48pm · · 5 people - Ripon Majumder এখন স্কাই প্যাকেজের নাম বদলে "আইফেল টাওয়ার" বা "পেট্রোনাস টাওয়ার" রাখা হোক।July 30 at 8:49pm · · 10 people
- Shabab Yousuf Nirjhor switching 2 banglalaion.....onara deshi company hoile o onnk somman dey...paruk na paruk atleast try kore....July 30 at 9:19pm · · 3 people
- Suborna Jahan Actual comment was more than 300, qubee deleted them all and blocked a lot person.. They have to block all persons if they want to keep this facebook page comment-less.July 30 at 9:20pm · · 14 people
- Suborna Jahan 1. without limits or bounds: unlimited knowledge
2. not restricted, limited, or qualified: unlimited power
3. ( Brit ) finance
a. (of liability) not restricted to any unpaid portion of nominal capital invested in a business
b. (of a business enterprise) having owners with such unlimited liabilityJuly 30 at 9:20pm · · 4 people - Ayon Ahmed shalara sobai jimmi kore rakhse, jedin public akta akta kore dhore agun diya puraya marbe sedin sobai bujhte parbe.....July 30 at 9:27pm · · 1 person
- Rishad Kamal Jodi 35 GB limit thake then qubee sky bolte ki bujhacche??? package sell korar shomoi to ora keu ei bepare kisu bole na.......last month ami 17 days FUB policy te chilam.........tara jodi limit dei then 4G technology bole dabi kore keno???????????? tara ki 4G er mane bujhe!!!!!!!!!!!!!July 30 at 10:02pm · · 5 people
- Rishad Kamal ei FUP ki corporate user der jonno applicable naki shudhu amra general user rai morbo????????????July 30 at 10:04pm · · 2 people
- Shaiq Prince Ullah i dnt know how they decided to do this....i dnt see any thing fair..its not a solution to reason they did this..SUCH ACT SHOWS THAT QUBEE IS LIKE A LOCAL NET PROVIDER....July 30 at 10:25pm · · 3 people
- Iftekhar Niaz For the 1st time, I saw a company trying to get rid of their paying customers by their business policy.....
I wonder how and from where they appoint their decision-makers....July 30 at 10:51pm · · 8 people - Saiful Islam Qubee er batparir victim jara...cholen shobai mile alternative kono provider khuje nei... and let's make a group deal with the new provider...ki bolen apnara....????July 30 at 11:00pm · · 3 people
- Mahmudur Rahman 30gb 1450/=............tarpor..
..128kbps.....impossible.. ....onno kono babostha kora valo. July 30 at 11:06pm · · 2 people - Jubair Hasan 1 Byte (1B) = 8 bits (8b)
512kbps means 512 kilobits per second which is 64KB/s (Theoretical).
Actual Downloads varies for several reasons; there are Headers in IP Packets, 10% packet loss + other factors.
But with the theoretical speed we can assume, if a pc I on 24hours and in 30 days.
A user can theoretically download 3.75MB per second, 225MB per Hour, 5.2734375 GB per Day and 158 GB per Month.
That’s with a 512kbps connection.
Guess what u can do with 1Mbps?
For 512-Sky (!@#$%^&*???) the limit is now 30GB (a 18.987341% of his actual capability)
Paying almost double, and an 1Mbps user is only getting 35GB/month (~11% of his actual capability)
Should I say more? It’s not the 90s or the 2000's.. Users are not that illiterate these days. And we have more choices.
Qubee should learn, and learn fast. It earned respect, but it doesn’t take long to lose it too.
I know there is and will be errors in this note.. But i just want to make a point.. and i hope everyone understandsJuly 30 at 11:10pm · · 24 people - RifAt ShoAb এগুলো কিছুই হত না যদি এত ক্যাচাল শুরু না হতো ... এখন ধাপে ধাপে সবাই FUP দিবে । আগে ৫০ জিবি -৬০ জিবি পার হলেও অনেকে ফাপে পড়তো না । এখন সবাই ফাপে পড়বে । চরম একটা কাজ করেছে ।
অতি লোভে তাতি নষ্ট । সবার কপালে সুখ সয় না । এটা বোঝা গেল । এখন দেখি বাংলালায়ন কি করে ?
ক্যাচাল কইরা কোন লাভ-ই হয়নি । আরো ক্ষতি হয়েছে । আগে সবাই কে ফাপে ফেলতো না , যদি কেউ খুব কম সময়ে অনেক বেশি ডাউনলোড করতো , তাকে ফাপে ফেলা হত ... আমি নিজেই 2 mbps দিয়ে ৯০-১০০ জিবি ডাউনলোড করেছি। ফাপে ফেলেনি । আবার ফেললেও মাত্র ৪-৫ দিনের জন্যে । আর এখন ৪০ জিবি পার হলেই ১২৮ হয়ে যাবে নেক্সট বিল দেয়া পর্যন্ত । WTC . ছেলে পেলে আন্দোলন করে খুব ভালো কাজ করেছে । নিজেদের বিপদ নিজেরাই ডেকেছে । এখন তো দল ধরে সবাই ( বাংলালায়ন , কিউবি ) FUP প্রকাশ করবে । এখন থেকে আর আনলিমিটেড থাকলাম না ।
ব্যক্তিগতভাবে কিউবির ফাপের পলিসি পছন্দ হয় নাই। ৫১২ এর জন্য ৩০ জিবি হলে ১ এমবির জন্য নুন্যতম ৫০ জিবি হওয়া উচিত ছিল কারন তারা অনেক বেশী পে করছে।
আর 2 mbps ইউজ করা যাইব না... যা ইউজ করার করে ফেলছি,এইবার অন্য কিছু একটা করতে হবে...July 30 at 11:21pm · · 9 people - RifAt ShoAb "স্কাই ইজ দ্যা লিমিট" কথাটা এখন খুবই যুক্তিগত মনে হচ্ছে।
ফিজিক্সে আলোর একটা টপিক আছে। আকাশ আসলে আমাদের একটা দৃষ্টিভ্রম, আলোর বেঁকে যাওয়া জাতীয় একটা কারনে আমরা আকাশ দেখি, আমাদের মনে হয় এটা সীমাহীন। কিন্তু বাস্তবে একটি নির্দিষ্ট স্তরে যাওয়ার পরে আকাশ বলতে কোন কিছুর অস্তিত্ব নেই। শুধুই অন্ধকার।
এখানে তেমনটি হচ্ছে, কিউবি আনলিমিটেডের লিমিট হচ্ছে স্কাই। আমরা চকচকে বিজ্ঞাপন দেখে ভ্রমে পড়ি। কিন্তু একটা নির্দিষ্ট ব্যান্ডউইডথ লেভেল পার হওয়ার পর দৃষ্টিভ্রম কেটে যায়, গ্রাহকরা তখন শুধুই চোখে অন্ধকার দেখে।
দুঃখের বিষয়, আনলিমিটেড হিসেবে কিউবির আকাশের হাইট একটু কম।
সর্বশেষে বলব, Fair Usage Policy যে তারা ডিফাইন করেছে তাতেই অনেক বড় কার্য সাধন হয়ে গেছে। কেননা বাংলাদেশে কেউই এটা ডিফাইন করত না। না গ্রামীন,সিটিসেল না বাংলালায়ন। এখন বাংলালায়নও করবে। ১ সপ্তাহের মধ্যেই বাংলালায়ন করবে আশারাখি...July 30 at 11:22pm · · 11 people - Sazzad Karim after receiving tht call i called some sales team member from QUBEE. After listening . he said" are boss age bolben na. koekdin age amader kache user er name chawa hoiche, jaderke black list kora hobe na. amare age bolle apnare black list korto na. ekhon ek kaj koren notun name notun ekta line kinen." ..... amaging........July 30 at 11:22pm · · 6 people
- Picaso Kaderi ami btcl e move kortesi.desher taka deshe thakuk.jevabe khushi bebohar houk.July 30 at 11:38pm · · 4 people
- Shaiq Prince Ullah purai stupid ata...dekhi.... taile prepaid limited use korle partam...ajaira sky nisi tao qubee tower...ata bole dise..1000 taka discount joldi niye nen....modem to bhalo dam nise..akon line bad dilew modem ta to ajaira pore thakbe...July 30 at 11:53pm · · 3 people
- Ariful Bashar ar kato chotolok giri korben, u guys are big losers, sky er payment ki .... felaite ditasi, dakat kothakar.July 31 at 12:08am · · 5 people
- Shaiq Prince Ullah no GB shud be here.....then what can we do when i want to download some games and movies....512kbps-2mbps niye ki just facebook use korbo...July 31 at 12:09am · · 5 people
- Ariful Bashar oh and btw ai 30 Gb ki upload and download milai? :S taile kintu ultimately amra 15 gb pacchi :SJuly 31 at 12:10am · · 4 people
- Ariful Bashar daran ajke sara raat download korbo, month to porsu sesh tai na,akhon dekhen...:DJuly 31 at 12:11am · · 4 people
- Muradul Mustakin I think it should be> 40 GB, 50 GB & 60 GB respectively ...(eto tk diye 1mbps sky, specially 2mbps sky matro 35..40 GB pabe eta ekebarei ogrohonjoggo)July 31 at 12:31am · · 5 people
- Mutammim Ahmad Rafi Bangalir shathe badrami kora uchit na...Banglalion jamne bamboo ta khaise apnader o time ashcheJuly 31 at 12:32am · · 4 people
- Mustakim Talukder Qubee এর একেবারে শুরুর দিকের কাস্টমার আমি, যখন বাণিজ্য মেলা হল তখন কয়েকদিন পর পর গিয়ে জিগগেস করতাম "ভাই শেওরপড়াতে Qubee আসবে কবে?", তারপর যখন নেটওয়ার্ক আসলো, সাথে সাথে নিলাম। আমার মত এরকম অনেকেই ছিল বলে Qubee এখন এরকম করতে পারছে। মাসে 10GB ছিল আমার সর্বোচ্চ ডাউনলোড, কিন্তু limitation জিনিসটা ভাল লাগে না বলেই Sky 256 (তখনকার সময়ে, ১৪৩৮ টাকা) নিয়েছিলাম। কিন্তু FUP জিনিসটা মেনে নিতে পারিনি, এখন ভাই মহা সুখে ৩০০০ টাকার গিগাসেটটা ফেলে রাখসি। কারণ আমার মত ইউজারদের কারণেই যদি Qubee উঠতে পারে, তাহলে আমার মত সাধারণ ইউজারদের (কয়েক হাজার টাকা জ্বলে ফেলার) জন্যই কোটি-কোটি টাকার ব্যবসা চাঙ্গে উঠতে পারে।July 31 at 12:39am · · 13 people
- ДђмєĐ мДђĐí haire amar comments 24 /25 ta like porsilo, comment delete kore dise....July 31 at 12:40am · · 5 people
- ДђмєĐ мДђĐí package migrate kore 512 e chole ashchi.......... tora 1mb er client deserve koros na..... khater dibba....July 31 at 12:52am · · 6 people
- Zihad Tarafdar যত দিন যাচ্ছে কিউবির এইসব দেখে বিরক্তি চলে আসছে। ১৪৫০টাকা দিয়ে স্কাই প্যাকেজ ইউজ করে ৩০জিবি লিমিট? আবার আকাশ ছোঁয়ার কথা বলেন?
নতুন আইএসপি খোঁজার সময় হলো বলে। শুভকামনা এবং সমবেদনা রইলো।July 31 at 1:10am · · 7 people - Tanjir Ahmad Tuhin wow! thats gr8!! digital bd (!) ar juge 1mb ar line 1650 tk diye use korche... ta o limit 12 gb!!!! ak ta muvee namate 6 bar dwnload dite hoy!!! ta o file correp[ted or broken hoy.. user barachchen but network..???? double speed ar name amader pachay latthi dichchen!!! joss... thnx a lot. i think apnader wimx nam ta change kore wireless brodband "qubee" deya uchit. obosso brodbnd ra o akhon r limit dey nah! 2i ta company ai deshe... aktar o wimx ar opoman!July 31 at 1:12am · · 2 people
- ДђмєĐ мДђĐí @Zihad Tarafdar Bhaire taile amar pain ta bujhen 2600 tk(prai) die 35 gb........... :(July 31 at 1:17am · · 1 person
- Zihad Tarafdar @ahmed mahdi - vai, bujhtesi kisuta. 2600 taka die 35. sounds totally horrible.July 31 at 1:21am ·
- ДђмєĐ мДђĐí UFUP....... bhai Qubeee amare ban koros na kan??? tor UFUP er jonno ghum ashe na tou... ban khaile shanti lagto....July 31 at 1:21am · · 3 people
- Qubee Its true that these packages are no longer "sKy", though QUBEE never said its "unlimited" and it always had "FUP"applicable in it. nothing is fair, we agree. but the decision has been taken for the greater interest of our existing customers, so that everyone gets their fair speed. in every radio network which had unlimited internet before, it was seen that only 4-5% of total customers download very heavy and use up almost 80% of the total bandwidth. this becomes a problem for the rest of the 95% people. In such cases there are no other way but to implement FUP, though that's not what we wanted.July 31 at 1:25am · · 1 person
- ДђмєĐ мДђĐí 2600 taka diee 35 Gb kon hishabe amare bujhao aage! pore link paste koiro....July 31 at 1:27am · · 9 people
- Sams X Mridha vhabsilam qubee nibo akhon tau dheksi na niya internet use korar obbash ta baad dite hobe..FUP dek but limit jodi amon hoy tobe doya user der qubee borjon kora uchit.July 31 at 1:28am · · 2 people
- Rafsan Reza Brother Qubee,jei link ta diyechen ta ki apni valo kore porechen?Airtel er FUP'r details valovabe porun...Airtel,Qubee'r moto amon khet kaaj kore nai j 512,1mb,2mb shob pkg k 128kbps koira dibe...apnara volume jodi na-o barate paren,at least post-FUP speed ta Pre-FUP'r half koren...that would be reasonable enough!oita onekta mene neya jai!July 31 at 1:36am · · 5 people
- Md Mahbubul Alam >"NO OTHER WAY" really? how about increasing your 'resources'? >only '4-5%' users use almost '80%' of the total bandwidth?? how much do you have Qubee?? >and 30GB for 512kbps, and 40Gb for 2mpbs users; is it fair? >>start from 50GB for 512kbps, i think no other provider will get a chance.. wish you good luck.July 31 at 1:36am · · 7 people
- Qubee Link ta ekta example hishebe deya hoyeche, not to compare. some more examples will be posted as well. brother, we dont want to compare or give any excuse to impose FUP on anyone. at this moment this is the policy that will ensure good speed for most users, it definitely is not the best for all of you. some of you surely didnt buy QUBEE by thinking you will be able to use your speed till 30/35/40 GB... we agree. Mahbub you are right, resource increase is another way of handling it... but that also takes time. we are not saying this limit will be maintained forever.... we may increase the limit when time permits... but for the time being.. this is the policy, and we wanted everyone to know about it clearly. apologies for to users who felt let down by thisJuly 31 at 1:43am · · 1 person
- ДђмєĐ мДђĐí Imran plz watch ur language or u'll get no speed and Qubee will get each penny from u... :PJuly 31 at 1:51am · · 13 people
- Md Mahbubul Alam Qubee, we the users are sad, really. its unfair for all of us.July 31 at 1:57am · · 1 person
- Aysha Akter Pushpo etto magna???bashar uttor dike network paile,dokkhine paina....tarupr 30 gb akhn 1438 tk???amr tk to gase dhore....:@..network thik korar khobor nai,kebol kvbe public k jhamelai felbe ei dhandai thake...!!!netwrk set up er shomoi probable traffic calculate kore resource set koren nai kno???naki age thekei janten 2yrs por bebsha close kora lagbe???nijeder vaben ki apnara???apnader khub buddhi r amra ghash kati???:@:@:@ qubee te job kore magna internet use koren to,lomba lomba lecture jhara khub shohoj...ekbar nijer pocket theke bill die dekhen kmn lage...:@July 31 at 2:00am · · 13 people
- ДђмєĐ мДђĐí "no one is "mohoth" Imran, we arent either.. we take that. sorry to let you down with FUP."--- eita amar fav quote e jabe....... awesome kotha... aabege chokh diee pani chole ashe shunle........July 31 at 2:05am · · 10 people
- Picaso Kaderi airtel er fup policy die fapor dilen.kintu oder fup limit ta age dekhen.July 31 at 2:07am · · 7 people
- ДђмєĐ мДђĐí @Change Fair Usage Limit or we will leave Qubee Yeah!!! keep hoping......July 31 at 2:10am · · 1 person
- Asef Ishraq Sadaf eita kisu hoilo!!!!apnara sky te limit diye subcribers der akash vangsen.asha o doa kori apander mathar upor o jeno surjo vainga pore.....bandwith koekjon beshi use kore bole ei fup!!!-eta kemon kotha!!!!bandwith dewa to apander kaj.keu ki magna qubee use kortese?apnader okkhomotar jonno amra keno suffer korbo?ar airteler link post korar mane ki?etare ki india paisen?ar example bolte ki bujhate cacchen?oikhaner limter hisheb dekhsen?apnader limit oitar dhare kaseo pore?apnader ceo ke bolben mattrick e 3 bar fell kora kono student er kase math shikhleo tar jonno valo hobe.....speed komanor pura bepartai nonsense....July 31 at 2:13am · · 5 people
- Picaso Kaderi amader deshe consumer forum nai.but ekhon mone hoi kora dorkar. shobai jodi ek mat houn then , amra cholen qubee er biroddhe manob bondhon kori. jara jara ashte chan, like then.July 31 at 2:17am · · 6 people
- Aysha Akter Pushpo kno luv e nai manobbondhon kore...the best thing is to stop using it... i m not paying next months billl....dscnnt korbe to???koruk...!!!
arekta kotha,those who r thinking of throwing off QB,plz felar age venge felben..noile kintu ora oita khuje nie re-sale dibe...July 31 at 2:24am · · 6 people - Qubee because for other packages other than sky.... extra charge is applicable for usage over Cap (6,12 and 24 GB)...but for sky packages... you wont be charged extra after FUP with 128 Kbps speed.. that's why these packages are not called "30/35/40" GB packages. Labib you have suggested a good point of adding unused usage next month.... we will look into it.... though it is not applicable in any QUBEE package @ the momentJuly 31 at 2:26am · · 2 people
- Picaso Kaderi parben kina eita bolte pari na.but corruption er against jaoar prothom dhap nishchoi hobe. amra keo kintu double chai nai.ora nijera dise.valo.ekhon double die kulate na parle speed ager jaigai dik.othoba fup er limit barak.kichu ekta to kora lagbe. ar bhai 100 jon jodi ek hote pari tatei ba kom kisher. 100 theke 1 lac hote tokhon beshi deri hobe na. ami nijei to amar service er 50 jon ke qubee valo bole qubee neoasi ek kale. qubee vule jacche consumer satisfaction consumer barai.July 31 at 2:26am · · 7 people
- Arif Azim 128kbps is like old times bro... do they even count now-a-days???? Atleast half speed after FUP is acceptabble...July 31 at 2:28am ·
- Picaso Kaderi apa aysha, oneke ekhane ache,nijeder kajer janno download kore.abar oneke ekhane ache jara koshto kore , onek vebe chinte line ta nise. so tader kotha vebei boltesi. manob bondhon ta joruri.karon shobai chaileo shift korte parbe na.ei vabe didha bivokto thakle agate parbo na. apnader shohojogita amader dorkar.July 31 at 2:30am · · 1 person
- Mohammad Sayeed Most ISPs wordwide use FUPs. Most of us know that. The part that doesn't make sense is the cap limits for each of the packages. 30 GB for a 512Kbps connection, but an increase of only 5GB for the 1Mbps one, and 10GB more for the 2Mbps line? Let me see, so basically people who pay double for the 1Mbps line against the 512Kbps line (who get double the speed) only get an extra 16.7% increase in bandwidth usage (yes Qubee, us internet users know how simple math works. Shock!). Simply put, your asking us to pay double the money for the 1Mbps line, or 4 times as much for the 2Mbps, but you'll not even adjust the cap limit accordingly, but call it Fair?
I'm glad you posted that link on Airtel's FUP. Because that page shows exactly what a proper FAIR usage policy should be. Not this joke. You might wanna go through that link again, before you use it to justify a 40GB cap for a 2Mbps line.July 31 at 2:33am · · 5 people - Picaso Kaderi hoi amra jara sky user tader ekshathe qubee charte hobe,or manob bondhon korte hobe. ajkal shob issue news hoi. bad news khotir karon hoi. internet business e bad news khub kharap. ekhane educated user beshi. ar ekhono amader deshe internet ke capital investment dhora hoi.so kichu ekta houk ba na houk. qubee business loose korbe.July 31 at 2:34am · · 2 people
- Aysha Akter Pushpo ekhane kno blogger vai bon asen???thakle likhun nd share korun...we will spread it all over.....July 31 at 2:40am · · 2 people
- Picaso Kaderi amra jodi bondho kore dei. ora onno kono vabe line sell korbe.but amra jodi manob bondhon kore, news hoe then off kori oder around 40% potential customer shoho amra off korbo...so konta valo , apnader hate.July 31 at 2:47am · · 1 person
- Shuvo Musa প্রিয় এডমিন আমাকে কি একটু বুজাই দিবেন যদি আমি এক মাসে ২০ GB ব্যবহার করি (512 Sky) তাহলে তো আমার বিল হওয়ার কথা (1438 / 30 ) * 20 (যদি limit ৩০ GB হয়)= 958.66 তার মানে আমাকে 1438 - 958.66 = 479.33 টাকা কি Return করা হবে? যদি না হয় তাহলে এ কেমন বিচার? দয়া করে উত্তর দিবেন।July 31 at 3:23am · · 4 people
- Alif D Rakib stop asking for more greedy peaple. i know some of u use extra software to raise ur speed so shut it down. its rules are there bec it has been passed by certified peaple with careful observation so go home with ur greedy minds and use the internet as it isJuly 31 at 4:12am ·
- LuckyFm ChayaSathi গত প্রিপেইড প্যাকেজের এলবামে আমি বলেছিলাম
যে কিউবিকে আরো সচেতন হওয়া দরকার
এবং এও বলেছিলাম অন্যায় মেনে নেওয়া হবেনা
প্রয়জনবোধে ব্লগিং এর মধ্যমে জনসচেতনতা তৈরী করা হবে
নাহয় আমি কিউবির রিসেলার
কিন্তু তার মানে এই না যে মানুষকে স্বেধে ধরা খাওয়াবো
কিউবির একটা ভালো সিদ্ধান্তের অপেক্ষায় ছিলাম
কিন্তু যেমন স্বিদ্ধান্ত হয়েছে, তাতে আসলে আমাদের BTCL টাইতো ভালো
Qubee পাবলিক এখন সামনে তাকাতে চায় 128 স্পীড নয়
দেখা যাক Airtel Buzz বাংলালায়নকে কিনেছে সেটাকে কত দূর আপগ্রেড করতে পারে
কার কি অভিযোগ আছে তথ্য প্রমান সহ আমাকে ম্যাসেজ অথবা মেইল করুন
ব্লগে এবার ঝড় উঠবে কিউবির এই অনাচার নিয়েJuly 31 at 4:29am · · 5 people - Shuvo Musa Admin বাহিরের link না দেখে দেশের link টা একটু দেখেনঃ http://www.bcube.net.bd/ta
riff.html দেশের মানুষ দেশেই থাকি? আর যদি USA এ থাকতাম with ফ্রী wifi-Hotspot থাকতো তাহলে Broadband ই use করতাম। plus আমাদের সাথে থাকতো customer rights laws।July 31 at 4:39am · · 11 people - চলে যায় বসন্তের দিন i hope Qubee realizes that the two linked he posted about mobile broadband to justify qubee's messed up FUP is actually internet packages for mobile phones. they are not dedicated internet packages like Qubee claims to provide. and we all know how expensive they are in every country. In Bangladesh it is like 20 taka for 1mb of data. well, if qubee would have taken the time to actually read O2's website, he wud see, under their FUP for home usage "4.4 If you have signed up for our All Rounder or The Works packages then you can download as much as you like up to a fair usage limit of around 100GB for the All Rounder or around 250GB for The Works. If you exceed these limits or we feel that your activities are so excessive
that other customers are detrimentally affected, we may give you a written warning (by email or otherwise). In extreme circumstances, if the levels of activity don’t immediately decrease in line with our instructions after the warning, we may terminate or suspend your
Services. " All rounder charges £12.50 a month/ similar to Qubee.July 31 at 5:09am · · 7 people - Ziaur Rahman Vai sokol apnara ki Qubee Double FUP er kotha shunchen? ami kintu Double FUP Khaisi... :(.. I am little bit confuse.. Qubee ki ISP? naki Telecommunication company??? jodi ISP hoy then Qubee admin keno bar bar Telecommunication company gulor link paste kore example deoar try kortese?? e der to matha kharap hoiage naki amar matha kharap hoia gese?? :(July 31 at 5:36am ·
- Tarin Mahmood BL e FUP holo 40GB for 1Mb, I you cross that your speed is downgraded to 512Kb. Seems much better than Qubee.July 31 at 8:56am · · 1 person
- Tarin Mahmood Also those who are thinking what to do with the indoor device after getting rid of the connection. I believe the device can be used as a router ...July 31 at 8:59am · · 1 person
- Auntuye Shangma u know this is too low...... 30 GB is like only surfing the internet.... ok so whats the use of FUP if the users ar always given the same speed? like in 512 Kbps the user is always given 60 Kbps download speed... its not like broadband which speeds up at night.... u know what i menaJuly 31 at 9:13am · · 1 person
- Hasib Ahmed lol, 35 gb internet package for 2600 bucks!
good going Qubee! but, its only like 75 tk per gb, make it a round figure like 100! :D
to others> i have suffered enough from qubee, will switch to banglalion, if you are still sane, please do the same!July 31 at 9:15am · - Suborna Jahan Dear Qubee Webmaster, After watching all this comments and the ones you have already deleted, Please give a report to the persons who took decision in your company. No one (except some fake user) will accept your unfair user policy. I am not asking you to remove the FUP. But you have to reconsider it.
Package Usage Level Action Under FUP
512 Kbps Sky 40 GB 256 Kbps
1 Mbps Sky 60 GB 512 Kbps
2 Mbps Sky 80 GB 1mbps
If you think that you throttle me down to 128kbps from 1mbps line and i will still use your line, then you think wrong, No 1mbps connection user will ever use a 128kbps line. We will simply throw the modem out.July 31 at 9:32am · · 38 people - Mashiur Rahman I agree with suborna
Package Usage Level Action Under FUP
512 Kbps Sky 40 GB 256 Kbps
1 Mbps Sky 60 GB 512 Kbps
2 Mbps Sky 80 GB 1mbpsJuly 31 at 9:34am · · 6 people - Rakibul Mursaleen Khan Now The time has come to throw away qubee, lets just do it, taka ki magna naki!!! 100 din complain koira line thik koraite pari na, akhn abar FUP dhoraya dise... Bangladesh boilai batpari koira par paitasen vai...
vai jader jader takar maya ase falan tara Qubee re.July 31 at 10:19am · · 1 person - Mashiur Rahman Dear Qubee, Thanks for your quick reply, Will you please tell , what you mean by coming future. You already heard what users said. Even you put the fup for 1 month , you will loose users for sure.. So its time to take some reconsideration.July 31 at 10:24am ·
- Reshmi Akhter amra mani je apnader onek corporate user ase, but apnader'o seta chinta krte hobe je amrao apnader user jara apnar'k believe kore line nisi, but apnara amader believe nosto krtesen... Asholei apnader ekta standard smart company vabsilam but ekhon dekhtesi apnara ashole duitar ektao na. Jekhane normal internet user rai apnader FUP limit niye happy na sekhane amra jara online business korar jonno line nisi tader ki obostha... Ki blbo buztesi na ashole.... Amra asholei apnader kashe jinmi... Sotti kotha azk ami jodi BTRC te thaktam tahole apnader theke license ta kere nia nitam with fine... But apsos apnarao tar'e sujog ta nissen... Ha eta thik kew e 100% vhalo na.. But bolte baddo hossi apnader moto kisu bairer company gulor jonno amader desher azk ei obostha... Well-done Qubeeeeeeeeee....... Very well done.... :(((July 31 at 10:33am · · 2 people
- Qubee @Mashiur: we understand your sentiment, however this FUP came after proper analysis of the current situation, which would ensure optimum experience to all our users. considerations were made while preparing it. and since we value your feedback and always look for ways to accommodate any constructive comment i.e. comment by shuborna, we will consider if any further improvisation is needed.July 31 at 10:33am · · 1 person
- Suborna Jahan Dear Qubee Webmaster, Go ahead and forward our demand to your superior. Each minutes you are loosing your good willJuly 31 at 10:34am · · 2 people
- Rana Ahmed kichudin pore qubee ghumiye porbeeee........jokhon dakbe kono users naiJuly 31 at 10:37am · · 1 person
- Neil Kenneally 512kbps package is now best value from Qubee. It is only 48 taka per GB compared to 151 taka per GB for 2Mbps. Plus, when you go over the limit with 512Kbps package your speed only drops a bit. For 2Mbps it goes over a cliff when you go over "fair" usage. I've contacted Qubee to downgrade. They will turn around when enough users do this.July 31 at 11:01am ·
- Mohammad Selim vai apnar line off koira dibo.......sky package kivabe hoilo aita.......faltu line.........128 er jaegae 256 hoile o consider kora jeto........i am going to through may qubee....taka ki gase dhore......vat soho almost 1500 taka......but service like *****July 31 at 11:06am ·
- Suborna Jahan Well it seems there is no effect on whatever we say. So there is nothing to do except switching to btcl or banglalion. I am leaving ,, Bye QubeeJuly 31 at 11:29am · · 17 people
- Md Mahbubul Alam @Qubee, "sentiment"? its not logic or our rights we are talking about???July 31 at 11:53am ·
- Mushfiq Zakir Srabon Guyz, i think qubee ja krtese thik-e krtese... Accrdng 2 me, jara sky use kore, tara emniteo 30 GB'r upore use krte parbe na..m toking abt max users... Itz nt at ol an easy thng 2 use 30 GB ...so, apnara, eto hyper houn kan?? Ichcha moto use koren, jokhn qubee apnadr net slow krbe, tokhn protest koiren.. Ekhn bole ki lubh??July 31 at 12:11pm ·
- চলে যায় বসন্তের দিন do u hve any idea how easy it is to download 1gb on a 512kbps connection. i guess not. that's why u can say some thing as naive as to wait for it to cross. i am sure most users commenting here been already under FUP once or twice before. just because u dont use 30GB doesnt justify you to advice others who depended on internet heavily than you to just sit around and do nothing. if you are happy with Qubee, write a positive message in the wall and move on, but dont dictate others what they should do, for a problem "they" are facing. thanks.July 31 at 12:29pm · · 6 people
- ДђмєĐ мДђĐí @Mushfiq Zakir Srabon.... apnake ke bolse jara sky use kore tara emiteo 30 GB er upor use korte parbe na??? I am a Heavy Gamer.. if i play my ps3 over the internet and i dwnld sm moviez 15 din e 35 Gb khotom hoe jabe........ Amader Deshe policy deua shoja tou tai je jar ichcha moto policy dei..... User ra ki chai ekhane mukkho na..... Company er Corporate Greed e ashol. Era corporate user der shathe tou emon korbena... ei FUP ta shudhu amra home usuer der jonno.... correct me if i am wrong... QubeeJuly 31 at 12:37pm · · 4 people
- Adhare Alok Jaatri Dear Qubee admin...apni amr question er ans den ni...ami amr gigaset return korle koto tk paboJuly 31 at 12:53pm · · 4 people
- Adhare Alok Jaatri Bangladesh ay consumer law er proyog nai tai east india company er descendent Qubee east india company er moto e shorhon korteceJuly 31 at 12:56pm ·
- Ishtiaque Khan The problem with Qubee approach is that you started off with a lot of promise and downgraded yourself in a very disappointing manner. Probably you chewed more than you can swallow.
If the FUP had been from the get go, no one would complain--in that case it'd have been a simple case of "take it or leave it" deal.
But now, after using the service for a few months and getting used to high speed downloading and uninterrupted connectivity, suddenly you decided to dictate when, what and how we can download. This is where I and most of the enraged customers disagree.July 31 at 1:17pm · · 11 people - Rashid Alam oh by the way, the links you posted... were not for home broadband connections. they are for mobile devices. I can post links from comcast, at&t etc where they limit it @ ....wait for it....... @ 250 gb per month. and at&t has a package with no limit whatsoever.July 31 at 1:55pm · · 7 people
- Md. Shamsul Kaonain @Neil Kenneally Maybe not ... may be they have bitten off more they can chew and they actually want people to downgrade and use lower packages because they are not being able to handle high bandwidth users ... can be a possible scenario .-.July 31 at 2:47pm · · 1 person
- Jubair Hasan Suborna Jahan : May be thts what they want, we throw our modems, then after few months they come back selling attractive packages again, we go and buy another modem(cause they will say, tht user/connection has been deactivated, so u need to buy a new one) they can sell more modems.. they make more money from selling modems than our bills... the profit ratio is much higher with modems.July 31 at 3:16pm ·
- Moina Pakhi if u give limit so why said sky package. now time to switch off. qubee.July 31 at 3:44pm · · 1 person
- Nazmul Haque Himel @all friend.....Qubee amar porichito ek boro vaire assa cheka dise....emon eng pathaicilo line ok korara jonno oto ok korte parenai tarpor abar ki bujaigese....hahaha ......vai ekhon Banglalion er sky pakege nia chorom khusi.....July 31 at 3:50pm · · 1 person
- Qubee @ everyone: for the record, QUBEE heavily subsidizes modem price for its customers; QUBEE users are buying modems @ Tk 1500 to 3000 whereas each modem costs QUBEE from Tk 5000 to 8000. QUBEE does not make profit from selling the modems. Hope this clarifies the issue. with proper service QUBEE wants you to continue with us with whichever packages that meet your needs.July 31 at 3:50pm ·
- Nazmul Haque Himel Qubee...Tumi sodhu loss daou....Banglalion Boisa boisa ki angole chostase....July 31 at 3:52pm · · 6 people
- Zulfiqar Rahaman Saikat @ Qubee apnare ekai analysis bujhen ti na?? amra sobai gondo murkho......kissu bujhina.....apnader ei FUP nie 100% commnts porse negative....er mjhe ki sobai apndr 4-5% er mjhe pore ti na???90% er keu pore na????? fazlamir ekta limit aase...tk sara net connection nei amra?1mbps sky er 2588 tk ki gase dhore????unlimited bole bikri kore ekhn limit add kora hosse...wht the dcptv dcsn...sb user der der grtr prblm dur korte sb userderkei bash mara holo...bah..abr bolsen sentiment???? ami paper e likhbo...qubee kinte suggstn dtm age..ekhn njrta bad die othr dr o janate hbe eta...ekta mnush tana 5 hrs 1mbps use korle only browse o jodi kore thole koto hoi usage koto hoi??55 gb er moto..je only 5 hr kore dine browse korlo only download sarai se onk heavy user hoe gelo tai na??? etai analysis????? ei jonno 2588 tk die 1mbps use korbo???? 35 gb????? back calculation dekhai...35000MB use korte per day only 2.5 hrs kore browse korlei jothesto.......download to bad e dilam.....2.5 hrs usage limit onek heavy ti na???? valoi analysis.....ek jon bolse apnader name e protaronar mamle kora ucit......bt seta korleu apnra par pea jben amra emn ekta desh e thki ti....nahole hajaro manusher sathe protaronr jonno amie mamla kortm....amr cmnts delete jno na hoi....apnr kono soduttor thkle dibenQubee 512 min 60 gb....1mbps min 120 gb nd 2 mbps min 180 gb kora ucit....July 31 at 4:11pm · · 20 people
- Zulfiqar Rahaman Saikat r FUP er under e porle seta 128 te jauar kono manei nei.....half hote pre....not 4 gun....noile r beshi din noi.......
512 min 60 gb....
1mbps min 120 gb
nd 2 mbps min 180 gb kora ucit....
under FUP...je pckge thkbe str half hobe.....ei usage limit coross korle.......
apnra je policy korsen greater people er valor nam e setai apnara user der tk hatie nissen matro koek gun usage er tulonai....ei analysis o dekhte chile...bolen dekhie dei.....thnk uJuly 31 at 4:17pm · · 10 people - JäguÃr Päw @zulfiqar bahi- ekdom thik bolsen, and @ evryone- we must nt allw dem to do dis, ki paise bd te shobai. jar jemon iccha kre jacche. jodi emn tai krar dorkar den unlimited deyar ki dorkar silo, business e lose ase abr profit o ase. profit holea pocket bhore r lose hole amdr pon mare. etou jdi problm thke den bd ashos ken(qubee). onno ra businee kre jacche na tader ki unlimtd plan nai, khali qubee ei problm unlimtd e...tai na//// besi mathai uthe gese tou tai halader shosh bere gese//// shobai mile shalader office e jawa dorkar////July 31 at 4:26pm · · 4 people
- JäguÃr Päw @evryone-(sky user) amdr shobr uchit thana giye shobai mile qubee'r against a case kora uchit.....den in future amdr sthe i mean bangali jatir opor keo kisu chapai dite chaile 100 ber chinta kre krbe....>>>>>>>>>>>>>July 31 at 4:35pm · · 6 people
- Zulfiqar Rahaman Saikat egulai to protaronamulok bgns policy.....double speed offer dilo...sotto kore emnvbe likhe dilo up to.....keu bujhloi na..2010 er sep theke Qubee use kori....je lok die gese se bole gese sky mne unlimited r e jonnoi Qubee nea....ekhn bollei hobe??? kothr pech e fele lav nai...ei FUP na tullle....Qubee....ke mathe nmte hbeJuly 31 at 4:54pm ·
- Meftaul Haque Mishu কিউবির রসিকতা ভাল লাগল। ব্যাবসার কৌশলটা খারাপ না। 2Mbps এর লিমিট 40GB হা হা হা....!!!!!!!.. হাসাইলেন ভাই। বাংলাদেশের মানুষকে আপনাদের কি ঘাস খাওয়া পাবলিক মনে হয়??July 31 at 5:01pm · · 14 people
- Joy Hasan You've compelled customers into using ur service for the last 1.5 years by providing high speed internet and uninterrupted service with false advertisement ("The sky is the limit") ,THIS WHOLE DILEMMA seems like its been planned all along , to attract customers into using ur service and then play with them since they've already subscribed to ur service, If you're under some strange delusion that ppl will just play along with ur business plan then ur just plain wrong.This is not fair at all! Honest business bole kichu ei deshe ase bole amar mone hoina, kichu bolar nai!July 31 at 5:20pm · · 5 people
- Reshmi Akhter Qubee apnara bltesen je apnara proper analysis kore ei decision nisen, Amar khub jante issa krtese apnader jara decision maker ase tara ki Bangladeshi naki onno ghoher kono prani...?? Tara vhat khai naki onno kono kisu khai...?? Naki jader normal commonsense'e nai tader diye analysis koraisen.. Apnader obostha dekhe mone hosse koidin pore blben "Hati Akhashe Ure" R amrao tai mene nibo...July 31 at 5:29pm · · 3 people
- Faiyaz Been Zahid Unlimited Broadband Packages has been introduced by Qubee with monthly volumes. Qubee declared that all of these bundles come along with truthful consumption policy with usage nearly 50 GB limit every month.
Using these endless high speed broadband bundles, an additional 256Kbps package has additionally been released, however previous bundles ranged in between 512Kbps and 1.5Mbps.
http://www.paktelecom.net/pakistan-telecom-news/qube e/qubee-introduced-unlimit ed-broadband-packages/ July 31 at 5:31pm · - Suhas Rakhain Only 35gB??
We take high speed lines so that we can stream youtube, or lan multiple pcs at once. So what's the point of restricting 1mbps line to only 35gB?July 31 at 5:31pm · · 1 person - Ryan Mirza Zulfiqar bhai, apni mone hoy 2-3 din dhore internet bebohar shuru korsen!! apner post pore khubee moja pailam!! Khamakha na bujhe ulta palta comment kore manush ke bhul kono information diyen nah.
Apnar 1Mbps speed die highest download speed thake 128KB/sec. Jodi apni ei speed diye 1 ghonta download chalan, beshi hoile maximum 128 KB x 60 sec x 60 Min = 460,800 KB download korte parben. Tar mane 460MB er moto total. Apni Jodi 5 ghonta dhore download o chalan, apner sorbochho download korte parben 2.5 GB er moto!!
55 GB er shopno kotheke dekhlen??? :pJuly 31 at 5:39pm · - Arafat Syed wat u do wid your modem we dnt care!wats da use of providing double speed if u limit everything huh!its time to switch to banglalion.July 31 at 6:07pm · · 2 people
- Jagat Joyti Barua taile ar besi taka diya qubee nia lav ki ?next month theke banglalionJuly 31 at 7:00pm · · 4 people
- Mohammad Saad Yaseen FUP'ing Amazing...
Ok, I am gonna take a semi neutral stance here.
First off all, congrats Qubee to clarify the shady FUP by being specific. Well, that does not mean that you guys will rip off your higher end customers (1mbps and 2mbps users) by applying the insanely aggressive FUP. Rather, you can take some ideas from Virgin Media, UK
http://shop.virginmedia.com/help/traffic-management. html
@Poor angry customers like us
Imagine what's gonna happen when Piracy laws are applied. Look, we all are paying money for the internet service but NOT on the illegal stuffs we download.. No offence, but ethically...downloading illegal contents continually is not right (even according to religious ethics).July 31 at 7:06pm · - Tanviruzzaman Dip etodin qubee qubee koira cilaaichi to tai eirokom ekta bas dilo.....amader...by the way...vai amar goto mase download hoiche 59gb...ei mase ki kormu bujtechina..may be line chere dibo..July 31 at 8:30pm · · 3 people
- Ehsan Aminul I strongly oppose this FUP. This is cheating in simple terms.July 31 at 10:00pm · · 2 people
- Razib Hasan Qubee just proved that 1mbps and 2mbps users are "bolod". That's why they will be paying 1K and 4.5K more for 5GB and 10GB more data limit.
But, I guess je ei FUP ta banaise shey ekta boro "bolod".July 31 at 10:21pm · · 6 people - Maruf Ahmed wht is da meaning of unlimited whn u limit the use by 30-35 gb .. dere r people like me who browse less n download more ..i got 512kbs line n i fell in fair use policy within 12 days.. we didn't evn want a double speed ..we were happy wid previous line,which was without any restriction...you started off with a lot of promise..bt nw tht u got lot of customer, u started troubling us..bt trust me u will loss ur customers faster thn u got them..n plz don't give us da crap bout ur modem..u better learn how to keep ur customer satisfied ..otherwise da day iz nt so far u r going to loss ur business.July 31 at 10:23pm · · 4 people
- Moina Pakhi in our building we 14 people leave Qubee at a time, good by qubee.July 31 at 11:02pm · · 7 people
- Shamoun Sharoup Qubee ja bahirer desh ar exmple dilo, tader chokhe ki pasher desh India k chokhe pore na. indiai minimum speed koto ar charge koto ta dakhen. Indian Airtel 650Rs a 2Mbps a line discha with Unlimited. Ar apnera nischen VAT shoho 6000 tk aber eto sundor policy. mone hoy policy ta user ar jonno bonus, tai na!!!!! kokhn o Qubee use kora bondho korte chai nai, bt avhabe cholte thakle ar kono way nai, say to goodbye boltei hobeJuly 31 at 11:09pm · · 4 people
- Mehedi Hasan 512kbps, 1MB, 2MB er use level only 5gb different... are FUP er action same eta ekto besi hoye gelo... jekhane 1MB theke 2MB sky er package price 3,000tk besi but 5GB extra charge e ase (1024*0.15)*5 = 768tk... i mean 768tk er 5GB besi uses er jonno 3,000tk besi package price porteche between compare with 1 & 2 MB Sky...August 1 at 12:17am · · 2 people
- Mehedi Hasan jani amader kothar value apnader kache nai...
tarporo request .... FUP er Action ta difference koren...August 1 at 12:17am · · 1 person - TiTu Hossain @ Mehedi Hasan, monea hoi qubee ra CEO ackon gumi ... ha..ha..ha..August 1 at 12:37am ·
- Picaso Kaderi vai keo lawyer asern?thakle ekta case koren.user ra shob ek shathe shakkhi dibe. tokhon unar ghum vang be i guess/August 1 at 12:42am · · 3 people
- Picaso Kaderi i guess case ta under article 420 er under e porbe.so lawyer thakle case ta koren.August 1 at 12:56am ·
- Picaso Kaderi ekjon 1mb user jodi masher 30 din 24 hours use kore, she use korbe apnar 316 GB. so amader ke er 25% dilei vai hoi.August 1 at 1:00am · · 1 person
- Rashid Alam I think they just copied airtels FUP for cellular broadband customers. But here's the catch... WE ARE NOT CELLULAR CUSTOMERS>> Specially those of us who bought the gigaset modems. They charge more with lower caps as a mobility premium. So charging us with this kind of ... thing is plain stupid.August 1 at 1:08am · · 1 person
- JäguÃr Päw @everyone- go to d upper link address nd giv ur opinion...plzzz giv ur vote to let dem knw dis dt we r ntt sprtin d new offr policyAugust 1 at 2:14am ·
- Rahul Rexr exactly i am quitting qubee use after this.........unles they offer a fair FUPAugust 1 at 7:04am · · 1 person
- Ronnie Islam OMG... I'm really scared just by knowing about people at rage against the new FUP policy. I wonder how come Qubee is still very calm about it. Do they think they are just "perfect"?August 1 at 11:22am · · 3 people
- Zulfiqar Rahaman Saikat amar blog er link er comments ta delete kora hoeche....lolz...likha bondho hobena ekhane comments delete korleu...August 1 at 11:37am · · 1 person
- Zulfiqar Rahaman Saikat Asun amra sobai Mile ekta fixd date e desher sokol potrika office e Phone kore ovijog janai e nie.....@ all victimsAugust 1 at 12:05pm · · 6 people
- Mahbub Alam Mithu @ Ronnei Islam.... they are thinking they are perfect & also smart..August 1 at 1:25pm ·
- Zulfiqar Rahaman Saikat keno vai??? black listed korben??? sotti kotha bolle erokom e hoi....account id die ki hobe??? qubee e to sere dissi.....apnader sod uttor thakle ekhanei janie din...na hole ei je id number cassen etato sobai dekhei fello ekhon...mone hoi ekhono porjnto ulta palta kisu bolini ami..ja bolsi legal..not illegal...@ qubee sorry to say apni id no jante parenna amar...amar ekhane kotha bolar right ase grahok hisebe ami bolsi...ami nije qubee ke like kortam..ekhon dislike kori..tai bole ami bolsi na banglalion use koro...but u should change ur FUP..nd also such dirty business policy and languageAugust 1 at 2:01pm · · 5 people
- Adhare Alok Jaatri Admin uncle admin uncle amr gigaset ta kinben...apnar jonno matro 3000 eita te 512 er lyn + bash mara FUP ase niben niben...sathe ekta 1 tk dami candy o dibo free tey...no fair usage policy applicable on free candy... :-DAugust 1 at 2:20pm · · 10 people
- Zulfiqar Rahaman Saikat ekbar jehetu delete korese seta na deai somichin....ami to r qubee er moto kono policy nie mathe namini....apni bdnews24 er blog option e gie recent blog er 1st page/2 no page e paben@ adhareAugust 1 at 2:48pm ·
- Adhare Alok Jaatri Qubee chay j amr shomalochona kori,tai ei link ta shomalochona mulok tai post korlam,qubee'r jodi nijeder shomalochona shonar shahos thake tobe post ti delete korben na....r qubee amr uporer post gular answer den blog.bdnews24.com/mobile/p
ost.php?post=29739 August 1 at 3:02pm · - Rashik Ishrak Sorry QUBEE, apnader keo BANGLALION er moto bash dite hochche...no way we are gonna allow this STUPID FUP !!! GET LOST ..!! we will better have broadband ...August 1 at 3:39pm · · 5 people
- Fórtũnë Hũntër The thunder is gonna strike and wipe everything out just for greed and lust!August 1 at 5:08pm · · 2 people
- Qubee @ saikat: We need that to check your problems and if possible we will try to fix it... so please send us your QUBEE account ID...August 1 at 6:14pm ·
- Tanjim Lampard Islam thats not fair..they didnt said anything about fair usege policy while I was taking connection! crapAugust 1 at 6:32pm · · 1 person
- Zulfiqar Rahaman Saikat amito ekhono porjonto amar account e kono problem ase eta bolini dear admin...apni kothai dekhlen????ami to sobar problem jeta seta n ie bollam..seta age fix koren...pore account...FUP...sohonio porjae anen erokom chapie na die.....niscoi sob member dimot korto na apnader FUP ta kisuta jouktik holeu....totally ojouktik eta....apnara je jukti dissen seta lame excuse e hosse cz sei juktir pisone r o min 5 ta jukti dar korano jai...emon kisu koren jate user ra na mone kore je trap e porse tara....FUP tokhon e manbe user ra jokhon seta realy sob userder nagaler majhe hobe..kari kari takau dibe..abar internet use korte voi o korte hobe hai hai kokhon jani net sesh hoe jai....abar 2 3 bar erokom holeu samanno limit jeta per month e apnader 90% je subodh user ase bole dabi korsen tader o cross korbe ei limit...onayashe.....tar mane protteke FUP er under e pore jabe...r por por koek month emn hole apnara account deactive korara o humki diesen jeta bgness language er majhe pore na.....hassokor...sobai FUP er under e porte jassi amra ei samanno limit e...jodi apnader voi na kore matro 5 gb per mnth besi use kore por por koek mnth tahole sbr line katau jabe....boroi hassokor...katen..sob user er line kete den....lolz@ qubeeAugust 1 at 7:16pm · · 4 people
- Adhare Alok Jaatri Oi admin ami j jigaitase gigaset return kole tk pabo kina answer daw na kn...tym ki magna ase...August 1 at 7:18pm ·
- Adhare Alok Jaatri Qubee market research korce must be Africar kono village ay tai ei dhoroner survey result aschhe jar karone ei hassokor FUP dice...August 1 at 7:21pm · · 2 people
- Imrul Kayes Fair usage policy !! what is unfair that if i use it unlimited if u said it unlimited packageAugust 1 at 7:55pm · · 1 person
- Imrul Kayes Besides, please try not to cheat user like this way. this is totally illegal to impose such policy after u committed it as 'unlimited' package. u can only regulate some network traffic types that really causing trouble other users on the network. limiting users in BW throttling and data transfer quota is not the only way to solve everything. we've seen this sort of measures a lot. but nothing really been achieved. so plan out a better solution to manage your network and obvious the profit.
with 1Mbps connection my average usage is 12GB+ (only browsing). guess what about 2Mbps ... simple facebooking involves heavy data transmission. think about users of flickr or other photography & videography. think of the users of outsourcing business ... they all r legitimate BW users. no unfair use. but we all going to suffer in a ridiculous manner just when we think the black age of ISP is over.
See how GP is loosing the market after applying FUP in such manner. hope u understand. hope that won't take too long.
dont have good writing habit ... :PAugust 1 at 8:11pm · · 6 people - Jahangir Zaman @Imrul: amio apner moto bhabsilam je amar usage anek shanghatik ebong QB'r ei FUP totally unfair. Kintu, kichukhon age am ei website amar usage diye dekhlam je ami jodi 24/7 pura masho browse kori tahole max 10.5 GB khoroch korte pari. Maybe apner calculationta onno. Ektu amake bojhaben. Ami actually jokhon dekhlam ei website amar usage anujai ami 22GB er beshi use kora lagei na and that with jey shob movie are utube dekhi. Check it out, eita to independent website http://www.simplyswitch.co
m/broadband-usage-calculat or.aspx August 1 at 8:23pm · - Aaqib Farhan Hossain The unfortunate truth is, I used to use unlimited Grameen Internet up until they applied this data limit cut off and changed me to a different plan without asking. And because they did so, I switched to Qubee. As Qubee does the same, I will switch to either local broadband or try and arrange for a personal server. I think the underlying problem is that Qubee feels it has a loyal customer base that will abide this policy, I'm afraid the bulk of Sky users are essentially people with huge internet usage demands and will follow the best choice, Qubee no longer provides the best choice. Nothing personal, its just a cut throat market.August 1 at 9:13pm · · 6 people
- Masudur Rahman FUP may b applicable if the clients cross the limit below..
512 kbps bandwidth at least 60 GB
1 Mbps bandwidth at least 90 GB and
2 Mbps bandwidth at least 120 GB.
and after cross that limit the bandwidth should be half of the respective package bandwidth. May this would be fair...What do u think..??????August 1 at 9:21pm · · 7 people - Deb Kanti Barua banglalion did the same thing 6 months ago, so I swithched to qubee. Now qubee is doing the same thing. I have do something asap, probably switch back to qubee.August 1 at 9:55pm ·
- Rezaul Hossain ha ha ha, Qubee threatening me of disconnecting my internet. They called me and said my internet connection will be disconnected. I don't recall any policy of that. I get into FUP but continue downloading and than 2nd time FUP, still downloading now force terminate. ha ha ha ha. BTW my internet connection is still working and hope it will coz I don't have any other server provider to switch to. Hope some true Unlimited IPS to come up(may be after I'm dead)August 1 at 11:20pm · · 2 people
- Rezaul Hossain Now a days i'm only ebaying, facebooking, email checking. maybe will download few 400MB movies as I'll get 30GB. HD movie downloading days are gone. ;(August 1 at 11:27pm · · 2 people
- Asifur Rahim Dear Qubee:
here I am again talking about the examples quoted by you (Celcom/O2) earlier and how it all compares to your communication of packages, FUP, etc.
1. None of them any of their packages "SKY" or "UNLIMITED" and then puts an invisible download limit!
2. Both of them - specially O2 provides upto 250GB limits to their higher end packages... which in your case is only 40GB...!!!
3. The communication about all the packages of the quoted operators are very clear and customer friendly and not hidden under the hood of an implicit clause like yours...
4. I'm not too sure if your way of communicating UNLIMITED to consumers initially and then suddenly putting download caps in the guise of FUP is in accordance to the BTRC / Telecom Act or does it violate a few terms & conditions?!!! maybe in violation of a few consumer right acts of the country as well!!!
Therefore, I would request the audience/users to make their voices heard to appropriate regulatory bodies and media so that we atleast make sure from our ends that we are doing the right thing...
Rest would be upto Qubee Top Management to decide....August 1 at 11:46pm · · 10 people - Mishu de Vinchi Qubee, apnader service ki broadband na telecom ektu clr korben 1st e, amar joto dur mone pore apnara broadband service introduce korte aschen bd te...... jodi bhule jan thn chk ur own site http://www.qubee.com.bd/ab
out-us . ami line kinsi abr 1.6 yrs ato din to kono FUP chilo na. ha apnader k bolle apnara bolen age theke e chilo to seta ato din e rules define kore implementation hocche kano...... jodi 1st theke ei thake thn kano implement hoy nai ato dine..... jodi korte taile to ek kotha chilo.....apander engineer kon calculation e ei FUP set korse k jane. admin apni j post korsen 1st 2ta link oigula mobile er jonno not broadband service.....broadband service er jonno j limitation deya ase ta ektu kindly chk korben........August 2 at 12:24am · - Md Raisul এটা আসলে Qubee management এর দোষ। যখন FUP এর জন্য মাতামাতি হচ্ছিলো তখন Qubee একটা awareness web page post করতে পারতো। WIMAX কিভাবে কাজ করে, একটা tower at a time কত user support kore, কিভাবে একজন Hardcore Downloader অন্য ইউজার দের effect ফেলে এইসব topic নিয়া একটা সহজবোধ্য post দিতে পারতো, যাতে সবাই Continous download নিয়া সচেতন হত। Pick hour কখন থেকে শুরু হয় সেই সময় Bandwidth limiter software use করতে উতসাহিত করা উচিত ছিল। আর আজকে যখন FUP policy ঘোষণা দিলেন তখন এই ভাবে ঘোষণা দেয়া উচিত হয় নি। FUP দুই ভাবে বসানো যায়, এক download limit দিয়ে, দুই hourly limit দিয়ে। Sky ইউজার রা এতিমঅদ্ধে প্রতি মাসে 100 GB download kore অভ্যস্ত হয়ে পড়েছে। তাদের জন্য ৩০/৪০/৪৫ GB limit দেয়া চরম অবিচার বলে মনে হয়েছে। এইটা যেন Elglish চা খাওনর মত হয়ে গেল। তারা যেমন প্রথম প্রথম ফ্রী থে চা খাওয়াত, পরে অভস্থ হলে পরে দাম হাকা শুরু করল Qubee তো সেই রকম আচরন করল। অথচ Qubee বাংলাদেশ এ এসেছিল পরিবর্তন এর অঙ্গিকার দিয়ে। তারা অন্তত ৫০/৬০/৭০ GB limit দিতে পারতো। এবার দ্বিতীয় option, তারা এমন scheme চালু করতে পারতো যে বিকাল ৫টা থেকে রাত ১০ টা (ধরলাম Pick hour) পর্যন্ত ২ GB ডাউনলোড করতে পারবে, limit cross করলে স্পীড one fourth হয়ে যাবে। পরে pick hour শেষ হলে আবার আগের স্পীড এ চলে আসবে। এইভাবে সারা দিন কে ৩ বা ৪ ভাগে ভাগ করলে সবাই খুশি থাকত (GP এর Call rate একসময় এভাবে হিসাব করত, MyTime, Easy time এভাবে)। মূলকথা এটা হচ্ছে Qubee er অভিজ্ঞতা, দুরদৃষ্টটার অভাব। Hardcore ইউজার রা সংখ্যায় অল্প হলেও তারা বেশি vocal. তাদের social effect ও অনেক বেশি। এতদিন বাংলালাইওন এর চাইতে কম বিজ্ঞাপন দেয়া স্বতেও Qubee এর কথা সবার মুখে মুখে ছিল এক মাত্র তাদের জন্য। তাদের এইভাবে উত্তেজিত করে Qubee খুবই বাজে পদক্ষেপ নিয়েছে। (BangLish লেখার জন্য দুঃখিত)August 2 at 12:40am · · 8 people
- Picaso Kaderi latest news, qubee er line er porblem bolen or fup , egular karon qubee er bandwidth nai tar customer er proyojon motabek. eita amar kotha na , qubee er ekjon employee er kotha. even network er dosh nai, ora ichaa kore system e problem kore rakhtese. employee tir name ami disclose korchi na.but eitai kahini.August 2 at 1:01am · · 1 person
- Fariz Hasan Tagline Ta Change Koren. Bomi Astese. "Play To Lose"-Eita Hobe Tagline. FUP= F*** U UP Eita Customerder Obosso Valoi Bolsen.But Customer Ra EKhon Return Back Kortese Valoi..August 2 at 1:12am · · 1 person
- Farhad Hassan সম্প্রতি কিউবি’র *sky package(unlimited) এর জন্য Fair usage policy নাম এ একটি খসড়া প্রকাশ করা হয়েছে যেটি সকল স্কাই ব্যবহারকারীদের জন্য স্কাই প্যাকেজ নিলেই অনুমোদিত বলে শর্ত দিয়ে আসছিল কিউবি, কিন্তু আদতে এর কোন স্বচ্ছ খসড়া ছিল না। ব্যবহারকারীরাও খুব একটা আমলে না নিয়ে মহাসুখে ব্যাবহার করা শুরু করে উচ্চগতির ইন্টারনেট সেবা। কিন্তু ২-৩ মাস পর বুঝতে পারে কিউবি র আসল রূপ । ইন্টারনেট এর গতি সঠিকভাবে না পাওয়া অতি সাধারন সমস্যা , সমস্যা সমাধানে তাদের গ্রাহক সেবায় নিজ খরচে ফোন দিলে তারা কালক্ষেপণ করে নানা কথা বলে- অ্যান্টি ভাইরাস ঠিক করতে বলে, মডেম পুনরায় আরম্ভ করতে বলে, আরও নানা কথা । এদিকে ফোন দাতার টাকা হয়ে যায় শেষ , এরকম অনেক সহনীয়তা নিয়েও কিউবি ব্যাবহার করে আসছিল সব ব্যবহারকারিরা।কারণ একটাই তুলনামূলক ভাল সেবা দান করে আসছিল অন্য কোম্পানির তুলনায়। কিন্তু এই দুর্বলতার সুযোগ নিয়েই কিউবি বিলিং মাসের শুরুতে ভাল গতি দিয়ে শেষের কয়েক দিন গতি কমিয়ে দিতে থাকে স্কাই প্যাকেজ ব্যবহারকারীদের। এ সম্পর্কে বিভিন্ন সময়ে অনেক ব্যবহারকারী অভিযোগ করলে/ কারণ জানতে চাইলে ফোন করে তারা বেশির ভাগ সময়ই কোন সদুত্তর দিতে পারত না অথবা কেউ কেউ বলত আপনার একাউন্ট অতিমাত্রায় ডাউনলোড করার জন্য fair usage policy-র অন্তর্ভুক্ত হয়েছে। কিন্তু এই fair usage policy আসলে কি, কিভাবে আরোপিত হচ্ছে এটা এ সংক্রান্ত কোন বিস্তারিত বর্ণনা/ ব্যাখ্যা তারা দিতে পারতো না। এ নিয়ে ব্যবহারকারীদের মনে ক্ষোভ জমতে শুরু করে তারা বার বার অভিযোগ করতে থাকলে এ নিয়ে সম্প্রতি তারা একটি fair usage policy -র স্বচ্ছ খসড়া প্রকাশ করে যা আমি এই নিবন্ধের শুরু থেকেই বলে আসছি। খসড়াটি নিম্নরূপ এই স্বেচ্ছাচারমূলক শর্তারোপের কারন হিসেবে তাদের ভাষ্য মাত্র গুটি কয়েক ৪-৫% গ্রাহকদের অতিমাত্রায় ডাউনলোড এর ফলে বাকি ৯৫% গ্রাহকদের নেটওয়ার্ক এর উপর অনেক চাপ পরে যায় , তাই সহনীয় মাত্রাই রাখতে এই ব্যবস্থা!!! কিন্তু তাই বলে কি ৫১২ কেবিপিএস এর গতি কমিয়ে ১২৮ কেবিপিএস করবে যেখানে সেখানে ১/২ এমবিপিএস ও এক এ রকম ভাবে হ্রাস পাবে তা??? আর যে ব্যাবহার সীমা তারা বেঁধে দিয়েছে তা কি আদৌ যৌক্তিক?? কিছু সাধারণ গাণিতিক হিসাব দেখাই-
১মিনিট =৬০ সেকেন্ড
৬০মিনিট=৩৬০০ সেকেন্ড
১ঘণ্টা=৬০ মিনিট
১দিন=২৪ ঘন্টা =৩৬০০*২৪=৮৬৪০০ সেকেন্ড
১মাস=৩০দিন=৩০*৮৬৪০০=২৫৯২০০০ সেকেন্ড
আর ৫১২কেবিপিএস মানে ডাউনলোড গতি ৫১২/৮=৬৪ কিলোবাইট/সেকেন্ড। ১ এমবিপিএস /২ এমবিপিএস এর ক্ষেত্রে যথাক্রমে ১২৮ কিলোবাইট/সেকেন্ড এবং ২৫৬ কিলোবাইট/সেকেন্ড। তাহলে দাঁড়ায় মাস শেষে কেউ যদি সারাদিন ব্যাবহার করে তাহলে-
৫১২কেবিপিএসঃ ২৫৯২০০০*৬৪=১৬৫ গিগাবাইট (দেয়া হয়েছে ৩০ গিগাবাইট!!!!!!!!!)
১ এমবিপিএসঃ ২৫৯২০০০*১২৮=৩৩২ গিগাবাইট (দেয়া হয়েছে ৩৫ গিগাবাইট!!!!!!!!!)
২ এমবিপিএসঃ ২৫৯২০০০*২৫৬=৬৬৩ গিগাবাইট!!! (দেয়া হয়েছে ৪০ গিগাবাইট!!!!!!!!!)
ধরে নিলাম কেউ সারাদিন ব্যাবহার করল না। মাত্র গড়ে ৫ ঘণ্টা করে করল ব্যাবহার তাহলে দাঁড়ায় মাস শেষে-
৫১২কেবিপিএসঃ ৫*৩৬০০*৩০*৬৪=৩৫ গিগাবাইট
১ এমবিপিএসঃ ৫*৩৬০০*৩০*১২৮=৬৯ গিগাবাইট
২ এমবিপিএসঃ ৫*৩৬০০*৩০*২৫৬=১৩৮ গিগাবাইট !!! কিউবি র নিকট কিছু প্রস্তাবনাঃ
৫১২ কেবিপিএস এ ৬০ গিগাবাইট, ১ এমবিপিএস এ ১২০ গিগাবাইট এবং ২ এমবিপিএস এ ১৮০ গিগাবাইট ব্যাবহার সীমা দিতে পারেন,
আর গতি কমানোর ক্ষেত্রে এই সীমা অতিক্রম করলে যার যে প্যাকেজ থাকবে তার অর্ধেক প্যাকেজ এ নিতে পারেন তাও সেটা ৭-১০ দিন এর জন্য। আশা করি আপনাদের ইউজার আমার মত বিমুখ হবেনা !!!August 2 at 7:49am · · 18 people - Vaan Mainul FakeAleen eikhane ki keu asen, mirpur 2 area er btcl adsl broadband somporke janen, koidin age vabsilam qubee sky 1 mbps nibo but je kahini dekhtesi.....vai karo kaso ei bisoye info thakle amake ektu msg koren...really need this.August 2 at 8:00am · · 1 person
- Ahsan Najib Tomal Please extend datalimit range for 2mbps users because they are paying 4 times than 512 Kbps usersAugust 2 at 9:24am ·
- Ishtiak Khan Qubee, you amuse me, not only do you continue to call ur Sky packages as "unlimited", but now you go on to offer another "high volume" package. 24 GB is not high volume. secondly, When I called your representatives, they told me that my line is under FUP. They also said my speed was "halved". now, if i am using the 1mbps or 2mbps lines, how is 128 Kb/sec half of that? That means that you were misleading us all along. The issues with the line weren't due to maintenance, it was your sadistic behavior towards your customers. I am waiting for a suitable replacement for your service. Just because you're a part of a large multinational corporation doesn't mean that you can do as you wish with the nationals of Bangladesh.August 2 at 11:08am · · 6 people
- Muf Rahman Thanks Qubee for making clear abt the FUP. and i feel myself lucky that idnt need to use Qubee. :-)August 2 at 11:56am · · 2 people
- معروف اعلم Eita kono beboshar policy holo na. Customar k akhane baddho kora hocce.August 2 at 11:57am ·
- Zulfiqar Rahaman Saikat thanx amar blog er likhata ekhane post korar jonno@ Farhad HassanAugust 2 at 12:36pm · · 1 person
- Rezaul Hossain Who els is here got terminated by qubee? Maybe I'm the fist one. Just got my Account terminated last night after posting here. Qubee say "We can terminate user ACC if we think the user is downloading 24/7" I asked what policy is that. They replied "You have signed a form where it says if there is a new policy, You automaticly accept it" ha ha ha, that mean I'm a monster downloader.August 2 at 1:54pm · · 4 people
- Tausif Hasan Qubee er marketing department ekta gadha....this decision kivabe impact korbe tara etotuko vabeni..ekhon theke shobaike bolbo dont use qubee coz they bluff with customer.....August 2 at 10:06pm · · 2 people
- Nashida Tonny Its been only 44 days I am using QUBEE but wow what a news qubee gave us !!! I got qubee only because of its higher speed and unlimited internet service.. but if qubee says its gonna limit us.. then why dont you, qubee, give us a REDUCTION in what we pay ??? If you ask us to compromise "WHY" we got qubee charging the same thing then please also compromise with "WHY" you give us qubee in the first place.. Fair deal I think...August 2 at 10:16pm · · 2 people
- Picaso Kaderi ami already 3 jon ke qubee nite mana kore dise....vai.amio btcl e chole jacchi..shobai valo thakbenAugust 2 at 11:44pm · · 1 person
- Mashiur Rahman সকল কিউবি ব্যবহারকারী কে সতর্ক করা হচ্ছে, আপনারা যদি আপনাদের কিউবি ইন্টারনেট কানেকশন ব্যবহার করে যে কোন কপিরাইট করা জিনিস যেমন mp3, video, movie , software, games , torrent, কোন কিছু ডাউনলোড করেন তবে কিউবি আপনাদের বিরুদ্ধে অ্যাকশান নিতে পারবে । আপনাদের জেল এর ভাত ও খাওয়াতে পারবে এবং আপনাদের বিশাল অংকের জরিমানা করতে পারবে। এই বিষয়ে তারা আপনাদের বিপক্ষে আইন প্রয়োগকারী সংস্থাকে পূর্ণ সহায়তা করবে । কিউবি তাদের নতুন FUP এ এই বিষয় টি খুব স্পষ্ট করে লিখেছে । তাই আমার ধারনা তাদের এই কথা গুলান লেখার পিছনে নিশ্চয় কোন উদ্দেশ্য আছে ।August 3 at 12:38am · · 2 people
- Suborna Jahan তার মানে হল কিউবি ব্যবহার করে যদি আপনি যেকোনো copyright break করেন , তবে কিউবি ওই copyright এর মালিক এবং পুলিশ কে আপনার ঠিকানা এবং সব তথ্য দিয়ে সাহায্য করবে । আমরা আমাদের কম্পিউটার এ যে গান , মুভি , সফটওয়্যার , গেমস ডাউনলোড করি তার ৯৯% কপিরাইট আইন ভঙ্গ করে । কিউবি যেহেতু বিষয় টা FUP এ পরিস্কার ভাবে লিখছে তার মানে এর পিছনে কিউবির উদ্দেশ্য আছে । ১/২ মাসের মধ্যেই ইনশাল্লাহ বোঝা যাবে। বিষয় টিকে অবহেলা করবেন না। ৬ মাসের জেল এবং ২৫০০০০ ডলার পর্যন্ত জরিমানা করা সম্ভব ।August 3 at 1:00am · · 3 people
- Mashiur Rahman Yes thats what i am trying to say... বিষয় টিকে অবহেলা করবেন না। ৬ মাসের জেল এবং ২৫০০০০ ডলার পর্যন্ত জরিমানা করা সম্ভব ।August 3 at 1:07am ·
- Mishu de Vinchi amr pc te 450 gb er game, 250 gb moive and 50 gb song ase cpy r8 chara......... ;) :p......... fun part tader nijder oneke er kase emon cpy r8 chara software movie song and game ase........August 3 at 2:02am ·
- Picaso Kaderi ekta press conference korte parle valo hoto.so please keo dekhen kichu kora jai kina.August 3 at 3:07am ·
- Imrul Kayes " ... potential abuse of its Fair Usage Policy " .... LMAO
" .. Each individual download can be traced by the subscriber’s IP address back to the subscriber’s account with QUBEE." ... threatning us ? i'm sure u don't have the authority to do that. unless BD govt. intervenes and tell u to do so.August 3 at 11:48am · · 2 people - Jahangir Zaman @Imrul: relax bro. why are you guys getting so carried away with this clause. Any legitimate company in the world has to abide by international copyright laws. Seems like you just live in Utopia or something. Chill!August 3 at 12:10pm ·
- Shafayat Husain Ami Qubee-r Naame Mamla Korbo... Shalara Amar Line Suspend Koira Dise Ekkebare Bina Notice-e.... 1.5 Year Doira Qubee Chalai .. ektu Beshi Download Korsi.. Kintu tai Boila Kick Out... Amar Baape Supreme Court-er Advocate... Togore Pondiebo Khub Shiggiri-e....August 3 at 12:14pm · · 9 people
- Fórtũnë Hũntër Inshallah!Everything in the world has an end written to it.I think Qubee nijei nijer end deke anse.August 3 at 12:55pm ·
- Jahangir Zaman http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/
technology-14370878 you have to read this. I wonder how many of the posters here like bryan adams and fortune hunter use Internet ExplorerAugust 3 at 1:24pm · - Ratul Hassan Fair Usage Policy for O2, Home Broadband Users in UK
http://www.o2.co.uk/assets2/pdf/HomeBroadbandFUP28Ap ril2011.pdf August 3 at 1:39pm · · 2 people - Ratul Hassan QUBEE r FUP dekhe bhablam aktu khoj kori duniate kothay ki hoy... ajib bapar QUBEE r FUP tulonay onnoder ta onec tough... Internet ashole shudu download korar jonno na... :s onec kichu janar and shikharo ache... janar cheye mojar kichu nai... akta link share korlam pore dekhen: http://www.uswitch.com/bro
adband/guides/fair_usage_p olicy/ August 3 at 1:48pm · · 1 person - Reza Rahmanekhane dekhtesi olpo koekjon manush i beshi chilla palla kortese. ami QUBEE 12 GB 1 MB use kori, uttara te. last 2 months dhore onek problem kortesilo, raat 12 tar dike connect kortei 10-15 min lagto. last koekdin dhore problem udhao... ka...See MoreAugust 3 at 2:37pm ·
- Ratul Hassan@ reza bhai: apni akdom moner kotha bolsen ami thaki mohammadpur amar kaj rater bela ....goto majhe serious problem face korseelam... but mashallah akhon bhalo... ajaira kichu faul polapainer jonno ai haal hoiseelo ami bujchi... ami use ko...See MoreAugust 3 at 3:00pm ·
- Qubee please update your complain here: http://www.facebook.com/Qu
beeZone?sk=app_6009294086 so that we can track and fix the issue...August 3 at 3:30pm · · 1 person - Muradul Mustakineta problem kore .....r ami even kalkeo CCD te phone kore complain korechi abar....shobkichu dewa ache amar dik theke....on location support er lokra last month a detail check korechen & amar theke niye gechen screenshots gulo ....ei issue ...See MoreAugust 3 at 3:35pm ·
- Jahangir ZamanJust got home and I'm now getting full 2Mbps Download, Upload of 0.5Mbps and 57 ms Ping. Sure there aren't probably too many people logged on at this point in time but still Wow!!! I haven't gotten this kind of speed in ages. Is this bec...See MoreAugust 3 at 5:17pm ·
- Qubee @ mustakin: ki type problem kore? by the by concern dept ke inform kora hoise they will get back to youAugust 3 at 8:55pm ·
- Zulfiqar Rahaman Saikat amdr prblm er solution koi?@ qubeee etr solution den....etr jonno accnt nmbr lgbena concern der janan usge limit min r o 40 gb kore brie per pckge e....speed throttle er somoi jno half er besi na hoi.....tobuo amra satisfied thkbo...khub taratari chnge koren ei FUP....r ei bandwidth save kor gesen sylhet...shamlate prbento????? nki FUP r o komAben bndwidth Barate???QubeeAugust 3 at 9:38pm ·
- Rezaul Hossain I hope Qubee speed will be steady after FUP and wonder how much bandwidth dose qubee has. Why 5% people's download affecting 95%????!!!! Maybe they are sharing 100MB to 100K people. Good business qubee. Keep on.August 3 at 10:50pm ·
- Tarin MahmoodI can't believe the ignorance of some people!
WOW! Do you think as you don't use Internet We don't? Hey I am 24 hour Netizen. All my work is done in Internet. and Its not simply downloading movies and music. Its all about work. I have to up...See MoreAugust 3 at 11:28pm · · 4 people - Tarik Saifullah I deactivated my Qubee and using local 512 mbps broadband connection :)Thursday at 12:31am · · 5 people
- Faisal Islam No problem. Yesterday I switched to other ISP. Paying 1430 taka for 30GB is ridiculous.Thursday at 2:52am ·
- Fórtũnë Hũntër @Rezaul Islam why dont you understand this simple thing that its qubees failure.Thursday at 11:24am ·
- M. Rafiuzzaman BokhariBack to using 512kbps dedicated Optimax; I may pay more, but at least my speed never gets slashed to 128kbps and I NEVER have to worry about my limit.
The Qubee so-called 'Sky is the limit' pakages are only an elaborate scheme to sucker all ...See MoreThursday at 2:23pm · - Mishu de Vinchi qubee er calculation dekhe chorom moja pailam....... emnai dise fup 35gb for 1mbps tar upor suru korse usage churi kal rat 10 theke dupor 1 porjonto use hoise 461.63 MB r tader hisabe dekhtasi 599.0 MB....... :S ei hoitase obostha Qubee kisu bolben..... i need ansThursday at 4:19pm ·
- Raffee E Mahbub this FUP is to save your network so that it doesnt get jammed , rather than focusing on how to stop customer try to increase your network otherwise you may have none to implement your FUP onThursday at 9:44pm · · 1 person
- Rajib Hossaineveryone will switch qubee for shure if u don't keep ur promise........for a few days i personally reccomend my friend circle to get a connection of qubee.......and some of my friends got the qubee connection......n in addition they all wil...See MoreFriday at 2:54am · · 1 person
- Zulfiqar Rahaman Saikat qubee r berthotar daivar ekhon chapie disse amader upor....dhik qubee dhik!!!!Friday at 11:05am · · 1 person
- Natasha Mehzabeen OMG!! Ami to qubee er new user..but apnader comment pore to ekhn amr mathai haat..What i hav done?? Qubee tai keno kinte gelam ami??Friday at 12:19pm · · 2 people
- Natasha Mehzabeen jodio amr ekhane netwrk niye kono problm nei but in future a ki opekkha korse amr jonno, shetai vabar bishoy..:@Friday at 12:20pm ·
- Nashida Tonny Everyday I check my usage to see how much I have used and how much I have left to use.. I hate it its so frustrating to worry about limits !!! wtf is qubee is doing >_< it just should jump and kill itself lolFriday at 3:13pm ·
- Jahangir Zaman Just checked the P1 Malaysia 4G service FAQ sheet and they claim that for 30GB I can do the following. Quite surprised.18 hours ago ·
- Jahangir ZamanHow much is 30 gb (Home Pro Package)? (Source P1 - Malaysia)
To reach 30 Gigabyte (GB) of data usage, a customer will need to achieve any of the following examples in a month:
...See More18 hours ago · - Ibtida Bin Shahid now it's clear ... but ata aro agei daoa ucit silo..r sudu akhne na qubee ar site ao..15 hours ago ·
- Zulfiqar Rahaman Saikat recently qubee r kortipokkho sikar kore niese je tader simaboddhota aase.bdnews24 er ekta report onujai...tai jodi hoi tahole sylhet e new kore gelo kivabe???? tahole amader theke churi kore nie jor kore limit die ja beche jasse tai die tara sylhet e use korse tai noi ki???????? qubee amar kono kothar ans dei na keno?????? er ans chai@@ qubee 1mbps 128 kbps vbtei obak lage....koto boro jocchuri....9 hours ago ·
- Abdul Alim M.Ahmed Khanas far as i remember.....qubee's moto is based on unlimited downloads and browsing at a higher speed.......so as they have implemented a cap on the sky package, then i am sorry to say but qubee is backtracking on its moto....which is a chea...See More9 hours ago ·
- Abdul Alim M.Ahmed Khan QUBEE reserves the right to inquire/investigate suspected or potential abuse of its Fair Usage Policy. Each individual download can be traced by the subscriber’s IP address back to the subscriber’s account with QUBEE.....does this policy means that Qubee can unlawfully and unauthorizedly access our e-mail account, if we do exchange or receive mp3s??????8 hours ago ·